Tracy Talks Schlitterbahn: Shut It Down!!!

A bold statement from a Kansas City PR/Marketing legend and a glimpse at the future (or lack thereof) for an embattled waterpark . . .

JoCo Post: There is a God. Jeff Henry, the loser inventor of Verrückt at Schlitterbahn, also arrested re Caleb Schwab's decapitation!

Money line:

"I THINK AFTER THIS, the trial,the state of Kansas should order Schlitterbahn to leave the state. Not just tear down the slide. But bulldoze the entire water park you and your greedy family built."

Developing . . .


  1. Carthagebahn. Burn it to the ground and sow salt in the earth. They have been arrested, indicted and incarcerated. Just a very, very little water flows from those chest wounds now.


    Tracy would see her enemies scatter before her and hear the lamentations of their men.

  2. God Damn, enough is enough, Tracy needs to seek some professional help.

  3. Tracy how about dealing with the crime wave where you live as the results of all those tax dollars you threw at developers to build those cheap apartments allowing those low lifes to move in.

  4. If they destroy that why stop there have them tear down Worlds and Oceans of fun. People have been killed there also through the years.


    Tracy "Ralph Nader" Thomas, I get how passionate you are about the FUBAR death of a child, plus the greed and negligence of the Shitterbomb Slaughterpark. But, the problems with the Pinto and some trashy tires by Goodyear didn't bring the shut down of Ford!

  6. So all these regulars that post here.. are any of then NOT angry old people? Is this a blog for the VFW bingo crowd?

  7. justice for caleb!

  8. Nooooo, don't take away Shitterbahn! Then I'll be forced to drive all the way up to Worlds of Fun to get my fill of fat tatted babes in bikinis!

  9. ^ Not so, just travel to your local Walmart.

  10. Hey Tracy, I respect your opinion and enjoy your aggressive writing to hold folks accountable....but....what the hell?

    "Rot in hell"? Aren't you violating the "presumed innocent until proven guilty" admonition?

    Do you think that 2 guys secretly schemed in private to kill people with their ride?

    Why spend millions of dollars to build a new waterpark (their 1st outside Texas) only to destroy your investment because you purposely were killing your customers?

    Did no one else know about the ride's defects? Why did they all remain silent? Why were KS lawmakers in the waterpark that day accepting freebies from Schlitterbahn? Hasn't the state of KS, and the county of Wyandotte been extremely embarrassed by this accident, and now they're aiming for retribution?

  11. Tracy, ButtChuck, & StupidDave routinely vilify liberals (roughly half the population), but get bent out of shape if someone calls them on it.

    Conservatives claim to be the defenders of The Constitution while calling for the suppression of due process.

  12. That lady(?) is full of hate. Has to be a Trump supporter.

  13. How can we get her committed to the Osawatomie State Hospital before she does some serious damage?

  14. Nah! 8:24, just go upstairs and visit your mama.

  15. The sooner they tear down the slide the sooner people will quiet down. They didn't tear down the roller coaster @ W.O.F when it smacked a kid. They didn't ban water @ O.O.F. a few years ago when 2 kids drown there. Get over it. The kids dead. Period. His family got $20 million and other lawsuits are in litigation. Tear down the damn slide and move on.

  16. 10:06am - nicely said.

  17. How many KCFD members were charged after the JJ’s explosion???

  18. The best thing that could be done is move that slide to the ghetto and put a NO TRESPASSING sign on it.

  19. The only thing holding up tearing down the slide is according to all parties directly involved is "further investigation due to pending litigation". Bullshit. If they haven't examined that monstrosity and all it's "cars" by now from all conceivable ways WTF are they doing. TEAR DOWN THE SLIDE.

    Tracy why don't you or that weekly shopper you write for and get TKC to help sponsor a TEAR DOWN THE SLIDE demonstration and march.

  20. Here's an idea:
    Just implode it and sell tickets to watch in person and televise it on all the local T.V. channels and Tracy can do color commentary. Must see T.V.

    1. Tracy does all her color commentating in bed

  21. ^better yet, have the corrupt UG pigs who profited hundreds of millions ($800,000) to take the ride before imploding it. All the local TV news people who rode the slide and pimp for the UG can join them.

    As you have read only on TCK, the real guilty parties are walking. It's the Wyandotte Way to profit and stay on the payroll for decades while the rest of us pay the bills.

    I attended those meetings to witness the overwhelming majority of UG pigs who voted to partner with this Texas outfit. Disgusting pigs is an insult to pigs everywhere, but it works to describe these get-out-jail-free for life card carrying members.

    Funny, now that some of the biggest crooks who were major players involved in corrupt ventures are now pulling down six figure salaries from the KCMO public treasury. Also, a few from the "on hold" Healthy Campus KCK project who ran off with $600,000 have crossed he river too.

    Good luck suckers.

  22. I like her logic. People have been killed with guns, let's destroy all guns.

  23. Slick operators come to Kansas because they know it is a poor, backward, mostly unregulated place with a government that is busy worrying about abortion and transsexuals and Jesus rather than making sure dangerous businesses don't set up shop and start maiming and killing the locals.

    Come to Kansas and be a star! You can do anything.

  24. SHOW ME YOUR MONEY3/28/18, 8:27 AM

    ^6:34, and don't forget the slick robber barons who come to Mudzoory, because they know it is the easiest place to get rigged votes and to pickpocket the taxpayers, who are used to a government that ignores much higher murder rates, crime and grime than even New York and other bigger cities have.

    Come to Mudzoory and ride the FREE (money draining) streetcar to the (millions of annual tax dollars subsidized) P&L "drain". Just dive for the bushes when those gunshots ring out!

  25. We need a law that makes it a felony to be a fucking drama queen over everything.


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