The Big 12 provides a showcase for Downtown Kansas City that hopes to impress all the rural rubes from throughout the region but now the attraction isn't so strong given lackadaisical ticket sales.

To wit . . .


There's plenty of blame to go around . . . But bad parking and overpriced fare are some of the biggest culprits constantly targeted by online reviewers.

More to the point . . .

Visitors from the sticks might not be that impressed with everything that's up to date in Kansas City given the hipster explosion in places like Omaha & Des Moines. In fact, the Midwest is now enduring a creative class invasion that makes it much harder to impress guests with mostly mundane offerings inside and around the loop.

And whilst speculating about the smaller crowds is fun, the fact remains that Kansas City spent BIG BUCKS on tourism and visitors who are increasingly fickle during the Internets era.

Check the links:

KSHB: Big 12 tournament tickets selling slower than usual

KCTV5: Tickets remain for Big 12 Tournament at Sprint Center

You decide . . .


  1. So maybe only 24 million tourists this year?

    1. The big 12 has always been a overestimated. You see a lot of people but a lot of them are just scaming discount student tickets. They don't spend money, eat the cheapest food and make every downtown bar uninhabitable. They chase away more business than they create.

      I kid you not, most of them are content to just stand around in the middle of the street and just jabber with each other for hours rather than doing anything in KC.

      Can't wait till the tournament finds another location.

  2. ^^^^^^

    Now that's funny!

  3. Big 12 is great but KC needs to think beyond tourism. That's a business model that's far too old to survive. We would be better off working with companies to create jobs than turning our entire city into a bar district.

  4. They are tired of KC's crime and high prices for everything. They know better than the fools of KC citizens.

  5. "...most of them are content to just stand around in the middle of the street and just jabber with each other for hours." Change "jabber with" to "text" and I agree with you.

  6. Iowa State, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State and K-State fans have traditionally brought thousands to Kansas City for the tournament, but none of them are contenders this year. That will discourage a lot from spending time and money. Texas fans don't care as much, and Tech fans probably don't like the idea of coming to Lawrence East after their team's late-season slippage. Yeah, down year for tournament attendance, and those are the reasons.

  7. When people come from out of town and see the high population of faggots downtown, they don’t want to come back. We have too many faggots swishing around everywhere you go downtown

  8. ^^OK, none of you have any idea what you are talking about none. Not one of you. Kansas has won the big 12 for 14 years straight. There is not a good team in the big 12 not one. That's the reason, pure and simple. Zero good teams=less interest in spending the money. Jesus geezers, get out of your hovels.

  9. OMG! Crime & overprice fare is the reason nobody is going? Grow up! LOL! How about boring basketball? Could that be it? Yea think so. You geezers are hilarious!!!! Don't ever change dummies.

  10. 9:45 got it right. Regionally, Iowa St fans travel the best and they are in last place.

    Texans look down on KC as a minor league city and never really cared about college basketball anyway. That's why they never tried to permanently steal the tournament. They have the NBA and NHL and focus on college football.

    Another newsflash: The Omaha and Des Moines "hipster" community doesn't care about basketball and never came to the tournament either.

    Where did the local fans go? Do realize that MU went to the SEC a few years ago? There might have been a few (several) thousand fans lost there.

  11. Most out of town fans know Kansas City has an out-of-control Negro problem and wisely avoid it.

    Most of the other cities have no issues as negroes know their subservient, obedient place.

    But that's our Tony, ignoring the obvious truth as always.

    1. The problem with that theory is the fact that our negroes have been out of control for a long time now and out of town people know and expect that.

  12. It started several years ago with me when friends no longer wanted to crash at my place to save a buck or two during the tournament. They just don't care to go to the games anymore due to all the issues with the downtown area. We still get together it's just at other times of the year and it involves doing things that don't require going downtown. When you have seen the crime and been a victim of crime it has a way of discouraging you from attending events such as this.

    I predict in the future we will see the Big 12 tournament moved out of Kansas City downtown area for good. Kansas City has been able to hog the tournament from other locations but I think that will come to an end.

    1. We stopped staying at your rundown shack because it's no fun hanging around such an egotistical moron, Larson.

      Plus your diapers fill up so frequently and what do you do? Rinse them out?

      Disgusting. I mean, even the dog thinks you smell horrible. That's saying something.

  13. Shawnee Mission far far West winning every year gets boring.... Their fans are snobs, poor winners and even poorer losers.

  14. There are too many outher places to visit and see, you visit k.c. once you visit some where else the next. There is a ton of concerts this year the intertainment dollars are going outher place. And many are starting to hold on to there money. So, they'll have some for the coming recession. Read the K.C.Feds comments among others

  15. It would help if we brought in fresh sluts for the event. When people come here all they see is a bunch of bar sluts that have been rode hard and put up wet.

  16. Stupid dave-right on cue with the ignorance as usual. You don't go downtown or to the games, cause you're broke. The BIG 12 tournament is GOING NOWHERE. I predict you'll continue to bore us with ignorance like this for years, or until you drop dead which ever comes first. ( I know what I'm rooting for!).

  17. FYI...nobody cites crime as a reason not to do something nobody. Only geezers, who don't go anywhere cite crime as the reason to make them feel better about being out-of-touch. Hence, all the above comments.

    1. FYI Geezer Hater is a fucking little pussy, living in his mother’s basement.

  18. Above three posts all made by the same loser. How pathetic!

  19. They are not coming this year because the council banned AirBNB. It’s as simple as that.


  20. the only person in the city who celebrates bad news.

    Tony Botello

    somebody shot?
    someone killed?
    car wreck?
    Chiefs lose?
    Royals lose?

    hip-hip hooray!

    Tony loves it

    what a loser

    a sick, twisted loser

    in his momma's basement.

  21. 12:51 tony speaks the truth and you can’t handle it little girly man! Lol!

  22. Only those who have not been victims of crime make fun of those who have. Don't worry you assholes, your day is coming and I don't want to see your sorry asses in here whining about it either.

    Think of this fools, how many rolling gun battles have taken place of late?

    All that has to happen is to be in the wrong place when another loser decides to open fire at an ex-homie and could care less who else they hit.

    Me, myself, I'm going to stay the hell away from the eastside and the downtown area. Nothing I care to see there anyway.

    Common sense is sometimes the best sense.

  23. Screw them! I just priced two tickets. I would have paid the $390 for two tickets for the four sessions, but the thieves want another $120+ in fees! Plus the ONLY way you get them is Will Call after paying a $91.50 web fee?

    Sub Total$390.00
    Convenience Fee - Web $91.50
    Facility Fee $30.00
    Amount to be charged to your credit card $511.50

    Goodbye Big 12 Tournament. You've been good to me over the years but you have priced yourself out of the KC market.

  24. Not worth $51.50 to me. Add in the parking and corrupt tow trucks and it's a Go4KC fucking.

  25. Honestly with Iowa State being at the bottom of the league this year, I think that is causing lower ticket sales. Their fans always travel well to the tourney


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