Show-Me Election Season Freebie Ethics Fight

Check this politically motivated courtroom battle leading up to election season . . . Take a look:

Democrat says Hawley broke the law by not disclosing free legal services he received

JEFFERSON CITY * A St. Louis County attorney said she filed a complaint with the Missouri Ethics Commission this week accusing state Attorney General Josh Hawley of violating Missouri law by failing to report free legal services he received in 2016.


  1. St Louis County has to have the most unfit and egoistic group of lawyers of anywhere. But they show the world how the evil side of the democratic party operates.

  2. If a lawyer donating time to a candidate requires reporting why wouldn't every volunteer poll worker, door bell ringer etc have to have their time tallied, valued and reported? If the idiots at the Missouri Ethics Commission go down that road they have opened up a real can of worms.

  3. Hillary 2020! Claire 2018!

  4. ^^^^ good luck with that!

  5. The colored dummocrats in St. Louis are behind all this, they’re dumb enough to think they still got white guilt to save them, it won’t, white guilt has faded away thank god

  6. Once again Super Dave is spot on! Is there a way for STL to secede from Missouri and become part of Illinois? It appears the Bolsheviks have taken control of that place.

  7. thank goodness kansas ciry is not st. louis. anybody who's driven around st. louis knows that parts of it look bombed out, like the bronx. kind of incredible in 2018.

  8. For a refresher on STL, please see "The Warriors". Just more guns, and heavier violence. The scene with the Orphans is like something right out of Soulard.

  9. @ 11:01, it's pretty obvious you haven't driven around much in Kansas City, either.

  10. ...and what about those free legal services the libtards got out of that phony assed black prosecutor in STL?

  11. A republikkklan crook? Whaaatttt? Shocking.


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