The reality of local politics is that there is no marching or mass movement when it comes to the ongoing spate of violence in Kansas City's urban core. Checkit:

Mom of murdered man says the man she thinks did it often smirks, makes gun gestures at her

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Six years ago, a mother lost her son in a senseless shooting. And even though police believe they know who did it, the killer has remained a free man. Relatives and police say that Charles Bates, 24, was gunned down by someone he knew.


  1. Blame your brethren lady, these are your people. What kind of lifestyle did your son lead? I bet he was a criminal too, you knew it and did nothing about it. Maybe you even covered up or were an accomplice in some of his crimes. Did he have a lot of new stuff despite not having a job? Do you have a job or are you on welfare? Of you are, fine example you are. For all you know, he murdered someone too. Thks shit only goes on in one community.

  2. ^^^ The person who wrote this has no mercy or compassion. Really sad commentary on KC.

  3. Solving homicides doesn't take mercy or compassion.
    It takes responsible reporting and information from residents in the community.
    Last year, of the 150 murders in KCMO, 87+% of the victims were black.
    And over 87+% of the perpetrators were likely as well.
    Not even 50% of the homicides in KCMO are ever solved, this being just one of them.
    Until there's some serious leadership in the community that works to both decrease violence due to counter-productive, self-destructive, and anti-social behaviors and to cooperate with the police to help make neighborhoods safer for everyone, those terrible numbers will continue.
    In fact, this year has already started with the same trend.
    That kind of missing leadership would give some force to mercy and compassion.

  4. Mercy or compassion? That's the problem, there is too much mercy and compassion in that community by the civil society around them. Just like unruly kids need firm discipline, so do criminals in the hood. I doubt he was just randomly gunned down. He was a rival, competitor, stiffed the shooter for money, or some other petty-ass slight that for the rest of us wouldn't mean much, but in the hood is a death warrant with minimal respect for life. Any change in that community has to come from within, it starts with these young mothers. She's maybe a grandmother now and has a much different perspective than she did when she was younger. Her generation has to instill that into their children, babies even, to try and have change take root. Black's vote 90% democrat and those evil SOBs destroyed the black family for it. F them.


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