Sen. Claire McCaskill Fights GOP Onslaught Over Her Prez Trump Tax Cut Opposition

Whilst a policy debate about economics will put voters to sleep . . . A lady skillfully pushing back against a bunch of angry old white dudes tends to rally the candidate's base of supporters. Today's example:

McCaskill defends her record in face of opposition campaign

U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill told Wednesday's labor "Rally for the Middle Class" that she looks forward to their support in her re-election bid this year. However, she's aware opponents will target her as they did in her 2006 and 2012 campaigns and argue she can't win a third Senate term.


  1. Gimme a break, here. That GRIFTER is out there working for the middle class in Hollywood, pitching those Missouri values? Most likely flew out there economy. Just a tool of the 1%. Riddle me this why would the Hollywood freaks give a damn about a senator from Missouri with Missouri values?

  2. Too late, your blacks have found out you were using them and they’ll vote someone else in

  3. she's representing hollywood well but not missouri.

  4. Did McCaskill fly to the "Rally for the Middle Class" from Beverly Hills in her private jet? Did she say again that regular people can have private jets and call $2,000 scraps?

  5. They should have called the rally what it really was - a rally for Claire McCaskill - a rich, out of touch, career politician.

  6. McAsskill will lie to your face. She's out there preaching to the unions but couldn't save Harley Davidson, backs police but supported to "demilitarize" departments after Ferguson. Hob knobs with Hollywood elite. Not working for Missourians. Time to vote her out.

  7. Absolutely anyone but Claire !!!!!!!!

  8. U.S. Sen. Claire McAssKill claims to "Rally for the Middle Class" ???

    Like she rallied for the rule of law as Jackson County Prosecutor while her husband abused illegal drugs?

    Like she rallied for an equal and fair tax burden while repeatedly not paying her lawful taxes?

    Like she rallied for ethical politics while donating to her weakest opponent in the Republican primary?

    Like she rallied for Missouri residents by supporting the rookie Senator from Illinois Barack Obama to become President?

    Like she always takes a non-controversial issue and grandstands on it, going on all the Sunday morning news shows claiming to help widows and orphans?

    Like she abandoned KCMO to live in St. Louis' most exclusive neighborhood with her multi-millionaire husband, mansion, servant staff, private schools, private planes, black-tie balls, corporate lobbyists, and Hollywood friends?

    Claire McAssKill's middle class = those who haven't picked up their 2018 Mercedes S Class from the dealership yet.

  9. Wonder if she's flying domestic out to Hollywood for her fundraiser or using her private jet "like normal people can afford".

  10. Dont worry clair Barrack's organization will hire you.

  11. Claire saws HOT when she was a young prosecutor in KC back in the mid 80's...she had quite the social life and is said to have flocked quite a few handsome young lawyers. Good times were had by all! I would like to hear more about those days.

  12. Bitch tried to take about $100 a month from me, screw her and her commie pinkos club.

  13. Is anyone asking McCaskill where those "shovel ready jobs" went to, how about the "keep your health plan, keep your doctor" promise. She was one of the deciding votes on Obamacare. Looking out for Missourians to screw you.

  14. What state is she hiding her jet in now?


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