Newsflash: New York Times Dislikes Kansas SecState Kobach Crackdown On Illegal Aliens

Special thanks to more than a few TKC readers who direct our attention to this EPIC TAKEDOWN of the right-wing white knight contender for Kansas Guv by the nation's paper of record . . .

Opinion | Kris Kobach's Voting Sham Gets Exposed in Court

It has not gone well for Mr. Kobach. The lawsuit, brought by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of Kansas residents who were blocked from voting under the new law, contends that the legislation violates federal law, which requires only that prospective voters attest to their citizenship under penalty of perjury.


  1. Well, based on the convictions that Kobach has been able to get so far, it would appear that the myth of "millions of illegal aliens voting for Hillary robbed Trump of the Popular Vote majority" is completely false, and in fact, since eight of the nine convictions for multiple voting were of older Republican men, that Trumo was only able to win in the Electoral College due to illegal "Multiple voting", doesn't it?

    No wonder Cadet Bonespurs quashed Kobach's Committee so abruptly.

  2. To be honest I think the New York Times hates anything that might run along the lines of common sense thinking.

    This line of thinking right here sums it up; "if not impossible, for tens of thousands of people — disproportionately minorities and others who tend to vote Democratic." It's all about getting that Democratic vote.

    If you're not a legal citizen of this country you shouldn't be allowed to vote in it's elections. How many other countries do you think you could go crash in and be allowed to vote in their elections?

    If the federal government makes me in the state I reside to prove beyond reasonable doubt who I am before I can renew my drivers license which I have held for 50 years then the same should be true when it comes to the right to vote.

  3. There isn't massive voter fraud. Anyone with a brain knows it. There is no evidence which is why Trump disbanded his committe. It's nothing but a scare tactic to stir up the gullible base, which of course works because they're morons.

  4. Fuck the New York Times.

    Voter fraud is real, even here in KC.

    Ask Will Royster.

  5. Admit it "Super Dave" you believe anything the alt-right Faux news tells you to, and you post the same fake factoids over and over, doing exactly what the USSR Communists used to call "The Big Lie"!

    In fact, the whole current Republican Mythology smells of the Lenin/Trotsky/Stalin techniques that worked so well in the 1920s and 1930s. Guess somebody in the GOP read a few History Books.

    Worked for Russia, might as well use it here, right?

  6. The Internal Revenue Services documented over 1.2 million cases of illegal immigrants filing tax returns with illegitimate social security numbers in 2017, reports.

    “We identified 1,227,579 electronically filed tax returns, processed in FY 2017 through April 18, 2017, in which the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number on the return does not match the Social Security Number on the Form W-2,” the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration told

    “Note that a Social Security Number may have been used on Form W-2 for more than one of these returns.”

  7. ^^^^^^Lighten Up Nancy

  8. Not you chuck I meant 8:26 your post is correct along with what the Super one said.

  9. Kansans don't buy into Marxist (((narratives))). Kobach understands this and so does the New York Times. Recently in Miami, a brand new pedestrian bridge collapsed killing at least six people. Someone decided that it was more important that "women of color" design the bridge than securing the best engineers available for the project. I wonder if the New York Times has reported this aspect of the tragedy . Somehow, I doubt it.

  10. 8:35, it's about time the Republicans jumped on that publicly repeated lie bandwagon. The Democrats have been using it (because that's really all they got) with some success for decades. Of course I would not accuse the Dems of getting it out of a book. I think it comes naturally to them - any means to the end, etc.

  11. "The Internal Revenue Services documented over 1.2 million cases of illegal immigrants filing tax returns with illegitimate social security numbers in 2017, reports."

    And this has to do with illegal voting... how?

    I suspect what CNS (and I'm not usually one to go for ad hominem attacks, but a quick glance at CNS does not give me a warm fuzzy feeling for "fair and balanced" reporting) means is illegal immigrants used false social security numbers on their W-9s (since they must give a number in order to work), not that they filed tax returns.

    Think about it. If you're in this country illegally, how likely are you to do anything to draw attention to yourself? Trying to register to vote or filing an income tax return would not be among your highest priorities, now would it?

    On the other hand, illegals who use false SSANs are subsidizing social security, since (1) they'll never collect any and (2) if they get caught, do you think the gov says, "You paid this illegally; here's your money back?"

  12. Only retards(chuck, stupid Dave & repubtards) would believe in the Russian lie of voter fraud. Every day, repubtards debase themselves in defense of this criminal administration. There’s no limit to how low they will go and no bar they will slide under not to admit the big orange Sufi’s is a criminal.

  13. 9:05 you are dead wrong. The Mexicans will claim like 10 or more dependents so the amount they pay in isn't all that great and most will try and file a false claim hoping to get a check back. Then the next year they use a different number and play the game all over again. Just look at what is going on at cattle farms and all the sod farms in southern Johnson county and northern Miami. The owners of these places all know this is what is going on but they have been told by their lawyers if the paperwork looks good you are good to go. The sod places will trade help around so the same workers are not always at the same places to many years in a row. It's a scam that hurts us all because what little they pay into the system is raped out of it with their non paying of medical bills and false returns.

  14. Only 9:13 and friends who sucks the life out of all the working class due to their sitting on their ass all day drawing a government check hates people who threatens their ability to scam.

  15. 9:17: Only really stupid would do that, and most illegals are smart enough to stay under the radar.

  16. 10:54 you just might really be surprised what goes on. During summer vacation from school one year I worked at Briggs Turf Farm in Stanley and I saw just how bad it really is with illegals. These guys can get new paperwork overnight saying they are legal. Every payday a guy came by and collected from some of the workers his fee for getting them the job and keeping their paperwork good enough for them to work there.

  17. ^^^^I don't doubt that story, but I do doubt that 1.2 million of them file false income tax returns, which was what Chuck, quoting CNS, alleged. That would be asking for trouble, as would attempting to register to vote.

  18. I'm just thankful Tony doesn't have a subscription to the National Inquirer

  19. Sanctuary cities in California routinely free illegals convicted of violent crimes, do you really think that they would enforce voter laws? Because of motor voter, many illegals are registered to vote even if they have not attempted to actually vote. This pool of registered, but not active voters is ripe for abuse. Not to mention that some illegals actually do vote. If you don't think this is a problem, then why worry about what Kobach is doing anyway? Disenfranchisement? Bullshit.

    The more that libtards support illegals, the more obvious it is why. Votes.

  20. "Sanctuary cities in California routinely free illegals convicted of violent crimes"

    Could you cite your sources? Inquiring minds want to know.

  21. Fuck Voter fraud! When are we going to toss those illegals out on their asses? Sounds likes law enforcement fraud to me.


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