Mayor Sly's Ill-Tempered State Of The City

Helling strays from the dead-tree company line for must a moment and then mostly retreats into local pablum whilst revealing that he's kinda bored with this job. Checkit:

Mayor Sly James: Major achievements and a quick fuse

Kansas City Mayor Sly James kicked off a year-long victory lap Tuesday. "We do the big things that take vision. Even when it's hard," the mayor said in his seventh and presumably penultimate state of the city speech. He promised a Mayor's Initiative on Race and Inclusion, which will examine approaches to ending prejudice and unfairness.


  1. This is the biggest propaganda article I've ever seen about James.
    First off the eastside has shown more deterioration unless you are counting the area at Troost and 26th street which is a small area about a city block and no one is buying the houses between 26th and 27th and Tracy, (Beacon Hill) they have been on and off the market for years.

    There were riots in Kansas City streets over on Stateline by Ward Parkway Center.
    He was also promoting division at KCI and at Washington Park refusing to accept the election results, telling people to resist.
    The so called brick and mortar is the tax dollars of K.C. citizens while people who are carrying the city"s taxes over on 55th street between
    stateline and Wornall get the shaft, and don't even have a decent street to drive on all so he can rub elbows with big corporations.

    This article is B.S.

  2. “He helped the city navigate the Great Recession without a major disruption in services”

    Bullshit, if we didn’t have funkytown for mayor it would have hit the fan, the old funkster kept the city afloat by not spending money on b.s. projects and made sure the money was protected. We were one of around twenty cities that weren’t affected by the recession and he can’t take claim for that.

    Matter of fact, funky saved us and that is really hard for me to say.

  3. I see that Dave Helling has attended the Kraske school of oral journalism.

  4. "Examining" approaches to end prejudice and unfairness in the seventh year of an eight-year term-limited job is nothing more than leaving the serious heavy lifting for someone else to do.
    Which, given the cast of characters in the mayoral candidate pool, they won't.
    In fact, the REAL issues of equal opportunity which requires education, hard work, personal responsibility, and perseverance, instead of endless excuses and blame-shifting, have never been addressed.
    Sly is as much and empty suit as Cleaver.
    Lots of talk; little action; even less results; endless excuses and blame.
    All of Sly's years in the mayor's office can be summed up in the question, "What are you going to run for next"?
    And his fantasyland ego is about to run headlong into reality.

  5. Helling is a major suck up. He must be looking for post-Star employment.

  6. Dave Helling is nothing more than a fucking has-been. Why are we hearing from that clown?


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