Kansas City Weekly Newsmaker Conversation

Quick check-in with the leading denizens of the Kansas City news scene offering their insights and perspective into local topics of note.

Check the description:

"Nick Haines, Steve Kraske, Barbara Shelly, Mark Alford and Dave Helling discuss the latest on Eric Greitens, the consultant's report in Kansas that suggests $2 billion to adequately fund education, the City Hall battle over luxury apartments and affordable housing, KC's March For Our Lives, implications of Zona Rosa's mortgage default, JOCO property tax appraisals, the streetcar election & more."

Take a look:

You decide . . .


  1. Damn this Clown Show is still on the air? No wonder the TAXPAYERS have to support PBS!

  2. Exactly what kind of commentary do you suppose will be offered from the likes of:

    Steve Kraske - liberal KC Star editorial board member, Trump-hater, Democrat-slave, JOCO KS resident, JC Nichols revisionist history activist, UMKC liberal academic

    Barbara Shelly - liberal former KC Star editorial board member, now liberal Pitch/KCUR/KCPT contributor, completely out-of-touch with mainstream America

    Dave Helling - liberal KC Star editorial board member, Trump-hater, Democrat propagandist, President of KC-metro Rachel Maddow fan club, JOCO KS resident, customer of ToupeesRUs

    Mark Alford - highly-paid corporate media teleprompter reader, Napoleon syndrome, Lone Star loyalist, early bird who eats the worm

    Nick Haines - employee of liberal KCPT, facilitator of liberal Democrat Party propaganda

  3. Thediversitydiva@gmail.com

    wants to hear your opinion.


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