Kansas City Metro Internet Tax Crackdown

Here's a glimpse at the desperate local effort to profit from the purchase of cheap Chinese junk that destroys retail in most local communities. Read more:

5 metro cities among dozens to put use tax for online purchases up for vote on April 3 ballot

KANSAS CITY, Mo. -- Five metro cities are proposing a local use tax on certain online purchases, and on April 3, voters will be tasked with making the decision. Liberty, Independence, Blue Springs, Belton and Odessa are among 31 Missouri cities that are considering the use tax, which is essentially a sales tax applied to residents' online purchases from out-of-state vendors.


  1. The sad part of this tax is that the cities hide behind legacy retailers claiming this tax will save them. BULLSHIT! Brick and Morter retail is rapidly becoming the Model T of today and in the end folks will only shop brick and mortar for items that are emergency or they can not find online. Missouri has already passed an Internet tax and fucking near no one pays it and so far there is little to no way the state can enforce it. Perhaps it is time for governments to tax less, suck it up and learn that they are not the nanny's of the world.


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