Kansas City Faith Blogger Blames God

Another bummer post from the top Kansas City faith writer offers a sketchy explanation of the evil men do . . .

Is it religion that's killing us? 3-1-18

As we enter the liony-lamby month of March, I want to drop back into history today to say a word about a massacre that occurred on this date in 1562 and why we should remember that. More than 60 French...


  1. He is either ignorant of just lying to promote his agenda.

    He knows good and well that Secular Wars and Atheistic Governments killed at least 200 Million people in the past century...more than in all the wars in history.

    Who does he think he is kiddin?

  2. Read the article. He is not ignorant. He is lying.

    He says elements of religion (and he dodges by saying "however you define it") can be found in Communism.

    Communism as practiced in the past century and today is explicitly atheistic, and Communist leaders killed literally MILLIONS of Christians BECAUSE of that atheism because they wanted to wipe out religion.

    The Kansas City Atheist Coalition KNOWS this and will never defend their position here.

    And Bill is playing games.

  3. 6:43 +1

    It's a dog whistle excuse for Islam and Islamic aggression. Like Obama's pretense during his "Apology Tour" where our most famous "Constitutional Scholar" said the the Crusades were the genesis for conflict today between the cult of Islam and Christianity.

    What a fuckin lie.

    In the year 711, Islam invaded (As they had, all through North Africa), under the Salifist flag, Spain. They proceeded into France, until 732 when Chuck the Hammer Martel, slaughtered 90,000 of them at Tours.

    From then on, the incessant incursions into Europe (The Siege Of Vienna etc etc.) were the result of Islamic Aggression. The Crusades were an Ad Hoc response to Islamic violence.

    Obama was the most prolific liar in Presidential history and that is going some...

  4. ^^^Blah blah blah. Like that teacher on Charlie Brown, chuck you drone on and on on...wha wha wha wha...

    1. The Other Buttheaded Barry3/1/18, 9:36 AM

      Like Barry in The Goldbergs, 7:19 is the unpopular, petulant, pain-in-the-ass middle child. He's jealous of his much smarter and socially adept siblings. His very few friends are just as stupid and almost as irksome as he is.

  5. 7:19 The Air Force "Avenger Drone" is 15,800 pounds. That drone, could fit easily in the hanger between your ears. Then, you might be worth spit, but I doubt it.

  6. The Kansas City Atheist Coalition will he trying to crash the St Patricks Day Parade and carrying signs down at Kellys

    We play to stop by and welcome them.

  7. 7:12 ^^^1000...skewered Obama, Muslims, and Collaborator Billy Tammeus all in one post!


  8. Didn't Muhammad marry, and fuck, a nine year old girl?

    Billy Tammy...care to defend him?

  9. ***LOL! Billy won't comment here.

    He doesn't even allow comments on his blog. He is like a scared rabbit.

  10. Oh shut up Bill.

    We know what you are doing. Almost no one reads your blog and your best publicity is from Tony.

    Hell, the Star doesn't even want your column.

  11. Blah blah blah....wha wha wha wha. My name is chuck I have an opinio wha wha wha wha wha wha...blah blah blah blah Progressives...wha wha wha what..want you dead boy...wha wha wha blah blah blah lickspittle press! wha wha wha wha wha wha wha

    1. The Other Buttheaded Barry...again!3/1/18, 9:45 AM

      ^Buttheaded Barry throwing a fit just like he does when his younger brother Adam bests him (which is ALL the time).

  12. Chuck does talk too much. He is never interesting, always boring and usually wrong. Just saying.

  13. Chuck might to some talks to much but least he stays on topic unlike you other assholes who just sound like feedlot cows farting all the time. Which by the way stinks as much as what you losers say does.

  14. Yes Chuck does stay on topic, the SAME topic all the time. He's always a hard pass every time his name pops up.

  15. Chuck just speaks over you mental midgets.
    Chuck for the win ! Again.

  16. Chuck speaks for no one except morons hence 12:06PM


    PROOF: Donald Trump went outdoors yesterday and was NOT struck by lightening!

  18. Trump won and defeated that evil, evil, woman.

    Thats proof enough for me that God exists!

  19. Billy hates Catholics but to be fair he hates Jews too! Hell, his own corrupt denomination...the Presbyterians...has voted to divest Israel from financial dealings while supporting Palestinian terrorists.

  20. Bill, you need to comment! You Fucking COWARD!


  22. Atheists are killers. EVERY time they have had the actual political power to act, they have killed thousands and thousands of Christians. And the they start over! You know this Bill.


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