Kansas City Checkpoints Cancelled Again

Credit to the Missouri GOP . . . Here's a glimpse of the Conservative dominated Legislature taking that whole "liberty" thing seriously and preventing local streets from looking like old school Eastern bloc countries cracking down on citizens trying to leave. Read more:

Missouri State lawmakers block spending for DUI checkpoints for a second year in a row

The Missouri House Appropriations Committee voted to strip funding for DUI checkpoints across the state for the second year in a row, and allocate the money to solely saturation patrols. "We wanted to place our resources where we saw it as most effective," Rep. Scott Fitzpatrick (R) of Shell Knob, chairman of the Appropriations Committee said.


  1. Pulling over "Whitey" for cash after a few beers, cause no one else will show up in court and pay for Democrat expenditures shoved down our throats by the new demographic.

  2. Good news. Stopping citizens at random when they are not obseved doing anything wrong is a big step toward a police state. If the state or city needs revenues, do it the old fashioned way - tax the Bejeezus out of them.

  3. Agree, checkpoints are NOT an effective way to get the bad drivers off the road & collect $'s. The stats have proved this many, many times. If they would take the cars off the road with expired temporary tags, it would be of greater benefit to us legal drivers.

  4. So, it's now legal to drive drunk?

    1. Have you been drinking are you sober

  5. I have to get my car inspected each two years. If certain items are defective, I am obligated to repair them before being able to operate my vehicle. Also need to prove I have liability insurance. I see many pieces of shit with four wheels and temp plates or no plates on the road. Usually these are covered with dents and non matching parts.
    Guess who seems to be driving most of those. Insurance holders, get serious! I'm also sure all the illegals have insurance, and should they hit my care, no worry.

    My white privilege seems to be on the fritzzzz.

  6. Damn it would be a shame if we diverted police officers from the DUI game and put them on murder investigations. What a waste of tax payer money that would be.

  7. Check points are unconstitutional.

  8. Not Just DRUNK driving There are people driving around and there on a half a dozen medications. There zombies. And the side effects.

  9. This is what the police want, they’re lazy bastards who don’t want to work, besides, they don’t work for killa shitty, they work for the state of Missouri. They don’t have to do anything the citizens want

  10. I
    I'll drink to that

  11. Drivers who text are more dangerous than drunk drivers. Most drunk drivers are driving late at night. Texting while driving happens all of the time.

  12. Yeah but you ain't never gonna see a group called MILFs Against Lame Texting.


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