Alleged Kansas Domestic Hate Crime Terrorism Plotting: Locker Room Talk?!?!

For those who haven't seen it already, here's a look at a shameless Sunflower State defense that's well-suited for the current divisive discourse. Read more:

Attorney uses 'locker room talk' defense for Kansas militiamen

Three Kansas militia members are accused of plotting to blow up an apartment complex housing Somali immigrants they called "cockroaches" - but the defense attorney dismissed their violent conversations as "locker room talk."


  1. They ARE cockroaches.

    Fuck every one of them.

  2. A Federal prosecutor's favorite word is "conspiracy", because no one has to actually DO anything --just talk. The majority of Kansas citizens don't want to live in a Third World Shithole full of loathsome Somali spear-chuckers. Neither do they want Kansas to become a vast Barrio--this is why Kris Kobach has such widespread support and will be the next governor of Kansas. We have the Kansas Episcopalian Diocese to thank for defeating our existing immigration guidelines by "sponsoring" sex-trafficking Third Worlders into the otherwise sane state of Kansas. These men on trial are Patriots...and more will take their place if they're convicted in this Federal kangaroo court.

  3. 7:23


    One of my best friends owns a place down at 3rd and Lydia. The Vietnamese are now gone, replaced by folks from Somalia, Sierra Leone and other SHITHOLE COUNTRIES. What a fuckin disaster. He has been robbed at gunpoint and has shot back at those who have shot at him from across the street. When he drives by, the "vibrance" is palpable, as the thugs aim their fingers at him in the shape of guns and pull the trigger.

    My friend is semi-retired and apparently all of these recent additions to our population are too. None of them go to work and he believes all of them are in the drug business. Cars come and go at all hours and business is brisk.

    Fuckin parasite, cockroaches, but hey, they vote Democrat.

  4. Actually in a conspiracy you do have to have an overt act in addition to talking about it.

  5. If they home schooled their children watch the fuck out!

  6. Fucking bureaucrat feds and their love of bullshit headlines.

  7. Undercover informants have been used to entrap people all over the country. Especially in the Heartland. Even the Star reports on them.
    Check the Randy Weaver story.

  8. I know some Somalians, with out exception they are all very stupid. It is part of their personality.

  9. They would go free if they were black!


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