Show-Me Alleged Revenge Porn Guv Greitens Crisis Over Mystery Photo Climax In May

The defense claims the photo doesn't exist, critics swear it does . . . The public will never see. Meanwhile VOTERS HAVE A WHOLE MONTH TO DEBATE THE ADULTERY AND DECEIT of the Guv who has failed to clean up Jeff City politics like he promised. Take a look:

Judge Thwarts Prosecutors, Sets May Trial Date for Greitens - The Sentinel

For all the hell that Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens has brought down on himself, it is hard not to see the political motivations driving his Democratic prosecutors. Last week, a St. Louis grand jury indicted Greitens on one felony count of invasion of privacy.


  1. "A St. Louis prosecutor and grand jury are capable of indicting a Republican governor on a felony charge of tearing the label off a mattress."

    That right there says it all.

  2. "Even Democrats would have a hard time defending Greitens if he was still one of theirs.”

    Sure didn't phase them when it came to Clinton and Edward Kennedy. If Greiten were still a Democrat they would be all over this claiming a Republican political career smear was in the works.

  3. Just For the Record2/28/18, 2:50 PM

    In the office of the reckless liberal prosecutor who uses her office to score political points, Kimberly M. Gardner, the St. Louis prosecutor whose office presented the case to the grand jury and who is a Democrat should be held accountable for her actions and ran out of office and disbarred when it's exposed what a fraud she has presented here.

    She doesn't have the picture and that's why she was wanting a November trial date. In the end you'll see that the Democratic party is also up to their necks in this slanderous attack of the Governor.

    If the suspect was blindfolded and tied up as she claims, then how did she know a picture was taken?

    Missouri Democratic political corruption at it ugliest working here.

  4. Weeping for Cesar like the town crier.

  5. While I thank Mr. Cashill for this editorial and all his work on behalf of political truth, he remains wrong that Governor Greitens must go.

    "According to the New York Times, Greitens’s attorney Edward Dowd claimed that prosecutors told him the photo did not exist."

    Just as I had postulated in this comment space the other day. The prosecutor has SQUAT! They have a nearly impossible task of producing the photo in question, successfully linking it to Greitens hand, and proving that he transmitted the image electronically. Please remember that Greitens denied the existence of the photo when the story initially broke, as that's important.

    Next up? Somebody leaks a nude photo from the ex-husband, or a fabricated image, and attempts to fraudulently link it to Greitens.

    The radical Democrats in St. Louis thought they could embarrass the Governor with enough innuendo that he would give up and resign. He made a marital mistake before he entered politics, he apologized, he took no blackmail photo, the woman involved wants to be left alone, there is NO victim in this case.

    Greitens remains Governor of Missouri.

  6. ^^^^^Dead on the money along with 2:50

  7. Yep, when I'm tired of playing poker with friends, I too will just go all-in on a blind hand, it'd be nice to win but my real goal is to be done and go to sleep. This prosecutor has gone all in, and on the surface of it, looks like she doesn't have a winning hand.

  8. You heard it here FIRST2/28/18, 3:53 PM

    Another woman is coming forward.

  9. I don’t care if we see that picture but we should at least see a regular picture of the whore.

  10. The libitards in St Louis will try to fabricate a picture.wait and see.


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