Newsflash: Kansas City Insurance Supports Gun Rights Despite Dead-Tree Media Shame

Here's the local newspaper attempting to spin a local angle for the NRA boycott that has earned mixed results. You decide:

As companies flee the NRA, Kansas City insurance company stays quiet amid pressure

While scores of companies have severed ties with the National Rifle Association since a high school massacre in Florida, Kansas City insurance company Lockton Cos. is staying quiet about whether it will stick with an NRA-branded insurance policy.


  1. You have to respect the company that's willing to ride the publicity ship down as it sinks.

    I wonder at this point in time if Ebola has a better reputation than the NRA?

  2. What do you call an organization that makes it possible for dangerous psychos to massacre American men, women and children while using secret money to influence the workings of our government?

    The NRA is our own, home-grown, technically-legal(maybe) Terrorist Organization. Wayne LaPierre is responsible for a level of American deaths that Osama bin Laden could only envy.

  3. Fuck the NRGay... short dick bastards

  4. "What do you call an organization that makes it possible for dangerous psychos to massacre American men, women and children while using secret money to influence the workings of our government?" Uh...the Democratic Party?

    Wasn't it the Democrats who led the charge against involuntary hospitalization and treatment of the mentally ill in favor of community based care? That didn't work out so well, did it?

    And, wasn't it Hillary Clinton, the erstwhile Democratic Party nominee for President, who as SofS made sure that Russian interests were able to acquire rights to American uranium in exchange for a $500,000 speaking fee paid to her husband and a multimillion donation to her foundation?

    Come on, 4:12, your questions are way too easy. Give us a real poser next time.

  5. It has been proven at the Florida High School that the cops will NOT protect you.

    Defend yourself.

    I am.

  6. Phil Carderella, you know as well as I do that even if guns were illegal, criminals would have them.

    If my house is getting broken in to, will YOU be there to defend me?


    Then STFU.

  7. 4:12, I would call that organization Planned Parenthood...which is busily eliminate over a third of the Black Unborn.

    Those Old White Men on the Supreme Court knew good and well what they were doing when they allowed the Mass Killing to proceed under the color of law.

    Who ya kidding, Phil?

    Its a racist act!

  8. "What do you call an organization that makes it possible for dangerous psychos to massacre American men, women and children"


  9. Thank you 5:55.

  10. Fuck the NRA, they serve no one but their own self-interests no NRA. No gun dummies!

  11. No fuck you @ 8:17

  12. Lockton has come to its senses and now has announced that it too is dropping NRA themed services. This was about 30 minutes ago.

  13. Fuck these anti NRA pussy cowards. Just wait for the backlash from the NRA members and we will see who sticks out their chests.

  14. ^^^Not you, you short-dick dummy. If you're in the NRA, you can't fuck!


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