Kansas City Tech Scene Needs Cash

Just a bit promotional coverage but a great look at how desperately the creative class works to separate fools from their money.

A constant refrain . . .

"In Kansas City, startups now generate an average of 16,376 new jobs annually. From 2012 to 2016, the total was 84,011."

And more deets on a great many locals looking for investors, tax breaks and all kinds of big money handouts/investments . . .

The Job-Creating Infrastructure Every Community Needs

It's time to dispel the myth that most entrepreneurial growth is organic, growing spontaneously from random collisions between people with creative ideas. Startups -- those new and emerging businesses that create nearly all net new jobs -- rarely are the simple product of spontaneous creative collisions.


  1. Part-time, full time, minimum wage, or what? Let's see a breakdown on the TYPES of jobs they are talking about. Proof, people.


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