Here's the latest double down on a number that EVERYONE knows is imaginary but continually spouted by politicos while handing over tax breaks to their cronies, political allies and top donors. Take a look:

Visit KC seeks continued growth after record setting 2017

Last year was record-breaking for tourism in Kansas City. The city welcomed 25.2 million visitors in 2017, according to Visit KC. On Tuesday, hundreds of business and community leaders will meet at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts to keep that momentum going. Visit KC is hosting the event.


  1. More like a record breaking year of pushing more BULLSHIT out at the people expecting them to believe it.

  2. Wow. So now we're up to 69,000 visitors per day.... the fact that no news organizations ever challenge these numbers is mind boggling.

  3. They must be counting every person who drives or flies through KC on the way to somewhere else. Technically they are visitors I guess, at least for the short time it takes them to arrive and then leave.

  4. Lot of truck drivers visiting KC


  5. I can't believe this! Where's the proof? The opposite is true, there are empty buildings, the streets are so bad you can't drive on them, even on 55th street where those people are paying tons of taxes and the holes in the street are so big they could damage your car. The only people I know of, are the people from the suburbs that come in on the weekend during spring and summer to have events at Union Station, or go to the market, and they are not tourists. Business are pulling out, the Plaza streets are full of trash and empty food containers, and Kansas City has a bad rap because of the crime.

    So tourism has gone down, there's nothing here except Sly James bullhorn in Washington Park, and a few sleeping bags.

  6. If you live in metro Kansas and come over to metro Missouri you are considered a visitor, and vice versa.

  7. Lying bastards are probably counting all the poor slobs who have to drive through KC on their daily commute. Five bucks says these so-called figures are heavily based on MDOT stats for traffic on I-70 and I 435 and US 350.

  8. So you are all going to go ahead and prove that number is wrong and post the evidence here, right?

    Will I die of old age before that happens?

    1. Yes, that's exactly how it works. Make an outrageous and silly claim and make others disprove it!

      You City Hall people never cease to amuse. The Easter Bunny came to my house last night and sang the National Anthem. Well prove he didn't!!! :)

  9. ^^^These geezers don't need your stinking proof!! They know everything! Don't you see on here how they go on and on and on on about everything that falls into their geriatric skulls? Each geezer tries to out do the previous geezer's diaper load until this whole blog becomes a fetid diaper of shit!

  10. I only see one case of shit on here and it is you 12:50.

    Tony, you,chuck or Super Dave or anyone for that matter needs to do a story calling out Visit KC to prove where they get the figures from to claim what they do..

    This is all a huge bowl of crap to force huge taxpayers expense building unneeded projects.

  11. ^^Who cares if he did or didn't? I could care less. See how that works geezer? Since you care so much.....prove it false or shut the fuck up and simper off.

    1. What's funny is you thinking you control anything beyond your lonely, lonely keyboard. Carry on! :) The rest of us will keep speaking and doubting regardless of you. See how it works? Good.

  12. I see soros botbitch is back at 12:40, 12:50 and 2:07. Did you make enough for a pack of blunts off those posts?

  13. They must be counting daily commuters.

  14. this is YOOGE NEWZ!

  15. ^^No. What you mean to say is, you will continue to bitch and do nothing. See how I cut through your geezer speak? Now simper off!

    1. Nope. Even if I don't respond directly, I'm staying and always laughing at your sad, sad desperation. See how you have zero control of anyone, including yourself? Think about that. I bet you can't resist another predictable reply. ;)

      Good luck, lonely boy. You control nothing and impress no one. We're all here no matter how you pound those lonely, sticky keys. ;)

      Enjoy! It's someone else's turn to play with you now.

  16. ^^^He left it's 65 outside. Why are you still here?

  17. I can tell they don't know how to drive once they get into downtown. Going the wrong way on a one way street running into street car's. Driving fifty miles per hour through a shopping area.

  18. Cancer surgery is not tourisn

  19. They are going to need every one of those visitors to drop some cash. Ronnie bled them dry before finally getting caught with a bit of Greitens style shit. Now they have CiCI Rojas running the show. Wait for all the inside deals and payout to happen. City bailout is bound to happen.

  20. Kinda of like 95 million Americans still out of the workforce.


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