Amazon Turns Up Kansas City Corporate Radio Documentary Exposé

An important win for a flick that helped to explain the last days of terrestrial radio and why people were so quick to turn away to online offerings, streaming content and podcasts . . . Checkit:

A Kansas City Filmmaker's Documentary About Corporate Radio Gets A Signal Boost From Amazon

It's taken a long time for people to be able watch the documentary Kansas City filmmaker Kevin McKinney released in 2012. But he's at peace with that. After all, the problems he explored in " Corporate FM" - the corporatization and consolidation of local commercial radio - still exist.


  1. kansas city radio is bad compared even with smaller cities i travel to. will this explain why?

  2. ^^^ it is probably only perception. You aren't in those towns as long. Their radio sucks too. Deregulation of the 90s gave us Wall Street, and the current state of the airlines and radio. It used to be a law a corporation could own I believe six stations at the most. Now Clear Channel, Entercom, and Cumulas own almost everything. Every city has their version of the Buzz, the Rock. JACK FM, etc. The Laser out of Lawrence used to be awesome. Even the old KY102 was great but now it's all cookie cutter crap..


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