Kris Kobach Against The World

Round-up regarding the front runner for Guv and the great many media outlets, politicos and detractors he confronts on the way to the best dead-end job in the Sunflower State. Checkit:

Kobach's voting commission, campaign fend off advocacy group complaints

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach is facing complaints from legal groups that the election integrity commission he sits on is invading voters' privacy and that he is using its work to further his campaign for Kansas governor. Kobach was nominated earlier this year to be vice chair of President Donald Trump's Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.


  1. Comply or loose more Federal funds. Fuck the whiners - Move on America.

  2. Our tax dollars at work.

  3. Kobach is a great American. He is not alone.

  4. Kobach was a rising star at one time.

    He could have been a Congressman or Senator or...who knows...if he had not hitched his wagon to some dead end issues.

    He may get elected governor, but so what?

    And, by the way...why didn't TRUMP want him in his cabinet?

  5. 9:24 defend that statement. What makes him great? He said thousands of people vote illegally and would prove it. He's found less than ten. Most of those were Republicans with homes in two states "innocently" voting in local elections in each respective state. Yes they broke the law because they were ignorant of the law, they didn't know they breaking the law. So what is so great about himy? He spends alot of taxpayer money going to events to further his personal political career but hasn't backed up any of his promises.

  6. Crickets... 924 must be taking a nap, or or just maybe doesn't want to talk about it anymore. We'll see as the day goes on if he wakes up, or really just doesn't want to talk about it anymore LOL

  7. If this is a commission sanctioned by the POTUS the legal groups are pissing up a rope unless the complainers have evidence that somehow there will be private personal data collected that the President could not already have with a snap of the fingers.


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