Kansas City Toy Train Streetcar Consultants Push Back Against Growing Public Skepticism

A strategy beyond just leaving nasty comments on TKC or twitter blocking . . . Here's another one-sided media conversation with streetcar cheerleaders. Take a look:

Setting Boundaries In Opposition Research, And Updates On KC Streetcar Expansion Plans

While controversy surrounding the president's opposition research has been hogging headlines recently, the practice of digging up dirt on an opponent is as old as politics. In fact, today's first guests, consultants John Hancock and Michael Kelley, say it's essential to a successful campaign.


  1. Broken hearts are for assholes!

  2. Maybe they think they're too tough to cry ? So they rode the trolley just to give it a try ! And Dagmar was the drivers name , he had pancake make up that drove them insane ¡!¿?

  3. And yes , broken hearts are for azzholes ! So , what you gunna do ?


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