Kansas City Star Spinning FAKE NEWS For Jackson County Exec Frank White

We normally wouldn't bother with this GARBAGE story from the Star but we figure only the oldsters are reading on a Friday night and they might appreciate this one . . . Here's is an ABSOLUTE FABRICATION AND POLITICAL SPIN from Dead Tree Media reported as fact in the aftermath of a story that our blog community reported FIRST.

Here's the damage:

Frank White considered removal of Jackson County sheriff in jail dispute

Jackson County Executive Frank White said the county prosecutor's office should consider having Sheriff Mike Sharp removed from office, The Star has learned, for refusing to send deputies to investigate anything other than serious felonies committed at the county jail.


  1. The jigs up!

  2. Holy shit. Time for County Legislators to step up and ask for Frank to go. If this article is even remotely accurate, it's obvious he wants to play pass the buck, instead of accepting that the buck stops here. Send him and his whole staff packing.

  3. Remove the sheriff, but not fire the director of Corrections? Right. And which is it Frank? Things just happen in a jail and the one you are responsible for running is no different than any other county jail, or you need the sheriff to come running for every single thing that is happening in your jail?

  4. Fox4 morning news stated the Sheriff's department asserts it is NOT administrator of the county's jail!

    MAN UP, FRANK...own it... address it with total honesty...OR HIT THE ROAD RUNNING!

  5. When I read the story, it seems to me that this Caleb Clifford guy is the one that did all the trash talk. If Frank is making a mistake, it is Mr. Clifford that should be fired and not the elected Sheriff.

  6. Frank's whole staff needs to go. Along with Frank.


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