Missouri GOP Real ID Drama Could REALLY Create Drama At Kansas City Airport

Legacy of Missouri Republican obstructionism against Prez Obama has the potential to create havoc very soon for travelers. Take a look:

Missouri has 1 week to update its Real ID law - otherwise expect problems at the airport

If lawmakers don't act - Governor Greitens has been hinting that he'll call a special session over the issue.


  1. Trump with all his big talk about removing the ridiculous amount of power seized by the former President; has done nothing, and is simply the other wing of the vulture pecking away at American people. The REAL ID rules should have been immediately removed by congress or simply by Exec order. None of the headlines or articles really say what it is: a requirement that the State share all State databases of information collected on Missourians with the Federal Government; including concealed carry information. Make no mistake, as soon as the dems get back in power in the exec branch, those databases will be used to compose a "deplorables" list that can be used for any manner of targeting by federal agencies. The most likely culprit will be the IRS, the gov attack dog, sent to audit or harass everyone on that list.

  2. ^^^Or check this...they are going to come door to do and take our guns!!!!

  3. How many head shots do you think it would take before the guv'ment would stop coming door to door for our guns? Comcast sells all of your search information, Google and Facebook do too. There's three monopolies that are a bigger threat to your personal information and States Rights can't create anti trust laws since they don't believe in a Federal System. If we resent a Federal System because of a war 150 years ago then who side is lying. Do you hate postage stamps and vaccinations? Don't worry about climate change Trump fired all of them. Slaves, there's over 59,000 living in the US right now so States Rights is working. Cancer, do you like cancer because cancer is on the rise because there's been no Federal System to monitor air pollution. Ronald Reagan hired a guy named James Watts who said we don't need to worry about pollution because Jesus is coming anyway? You like Jesus do ya?

  4. First off this crap was dreamed up by Homeland Security back when Bush was President. Then Obama's bitch boys made it worse. This is the problem with bureaucracy. When you create it what you get is a bunch of fucking worthless government employees who, instead of solving problems, creates more by dreaming up more bullshit for tax payers to do. Think of damn near any Federal Agency and all the hell they do is come up with shit for YOU to deal with. If Uncle Sugar wanted to approve your identification then Uncle Sugar should have created a national approved ID good for all the shit they cook up. Instead they waste billions by creating horse shit regulations, threatening states and screwing over the very tax payers who sign their fucking paycheck. The real pisser is if you actually research Homeland Security and the number of actual terrorist interventions since 911 you can count them on one damn hand. Most of the time they are out jacking each other off enforcing petty ass laws other agencies can handle perfectly well. When are we going to get over this notion that throwing money at shit and wasting most of it actually fixes issues? Wanna solve most of our problems? Render Federal oversight impotent.

  5. Jesus is coming for your guns!


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