Does Kansas Need New Hate Crime Law???

Didn't want to post this one but it's presented in such a manner that questioning it is off-limits and social media conversation is typically unproductive . . . So we ask our blog community about the efficacy of this dead tree media advocacy: Editorial: Kansas hate-crime law would ensure punishment matches the crime


  1. No. It is illegal to kill someone. Does it fucking matter why? Just more politics being played.

    Its as if someone thinks before they have decided to kill someone...."well, im black and I dont like asians so I better not do it because of hate crime laws".

  2. Why have a hate crime law? All it does is give the libtards more stupid shit to whine, cry and label others about and does nothing to serve justice. What's next, and extra $25.00 hate crime fee for running a top sign in a black neighborhood?

  3. Stupid is as stupid does, and if anyone ever looked the part it's this guy.

  4. (((Hate Crime Laws)))

  5. 9:54 Pm said "libtards"...burp...fart...sniff..Heh...heh...heh

  6. The only whining on this thread comes from the right. Look up "irony" in the dictionary. You might learn something.


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