Celebrate Higher Kansas Taxes!!!

Progressive "win" after corporate tax break GOP leadership disaster . . . Here's a peek at taxpayers losing in the aftermath of a FAILED policy debate: Kansas lawmakers gauge appetite for tax hikes to fix budget


  1. Life in Brownbackistan is going to get more expensive and a lot harder for the common rural rube. The rube is going to pay more in property taxes while the business owner pays none. All of this is how it should be, the buffoons who voted this clown into office and then re-elected him deserve to get to pay higher taxes, have terrible roads, shity schools, and no social services. I give the GOP credit, they distract the monkeys with shiny objects like made-up voter fraud, gay weddings, and abortion while they pick the rube's pockets clean. Just remember rube..everything is Obama's fault.

  2. What time is the protest snowflakes?

  3. No protests-we welcome low-information, stupid, Kansans paying more taxes for less services. It validates the country's opinion that it is as backward as it is flat. It's a repository for rural, obese, white-trash Trumptanics. The populace consists of easy marks, it's a terrific place to go to fleece the bumpkins.

  4. ^^^^^ First off assbreath Kansas is anything but flat. Get your Mom to take you for a ride this weekend.

  5. ^^^^^ I think you just proved his point!


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