Hollywood stars were moved to tears and applauded a speech taking on the Trump administration at the Golden Globe Awards.

Meanwhile, we're not so sure how the statement plays in Kansas City.

Here's a word from Chuck on the topic and a view that is uniquely local . . .

Meryl's Meltdown- My Take On The Golden Globes

A few things were clear, before the Golden Globes last night, Mel Gibson wasn't winning sh*t, Sting was riding dirty and Donald Trump was in for a rhetorical "Rogering" on a national stage.

After a Red Carpet Parade of dresses and gowns that looked like Stix Baer and Fuller rejects (Evan Rachel Wood did look great, but, in a tuxedo.), Jimmy Fallon struggled mightily through a tech-troubled opening that fell as flat as a Brownback budget. The Intro to the show, was a precursor for what we could expect from the "Stars". Basking in their own suns, awash in the usual treacly, quotidian, overwrought explanations and faux surprise at their ascendance to the stage, families and co-workers were thanked as per formula and for some, political commentary superseded the standard requirements.

President Elect Trump has become a personal bete noire for many Hollywood Stars. How could it be otherwise for those who work in a profession that two or three times a year, hand out awards for their efforts to each other in front of millions of people who believe that supercilious Movie Stars are the heroes they portray?

Hugh Laurie and others took their shots, but it was Grand Dame Meryl Streep who (After an into by Viola Davis that elevated sycophancy to Christian virtue.) dedicated her entire speech for winning the DeMille Award to the vilification of President Elect Trump. Streep and other Hollywood Patricians are apoplectic at this modern "Conflict Of The Orders". They plead helplessness and fear at the innate power of the coming Trump Imperium and would have us believe that the press has been speaking truth to power. That the holy triumvirate of the 4th Estate, Hollywood and "Foreigners" is the last bastion standing before the unholy onslaught of the President Elect and his destruction of America.

Meryl claimed she had "hooks sank in her heart" by the President Elect. She apparently didn't feel any hooks in her wallet when everyone lost their Health Plans, Doctors and ponied up for dramatic increases in deductible costs. She said that "Violence incites violence" and I agree. Violence from those who protested outside of Trump Rallies and against Trump supporters is on video, rampant and unceasing as we see from last weeks video of a disabled young man, kidnapped and tortured while his attackers screamed epithets at him and President Elect Trump.

The press, we can infer, from the great lady, was unbiased and objective. This came as no surprise to a room full of Crypto Fascists who would love nothing more than to regulate speech from some Progressive Hive Minded Think Tank off of Hollywood BLVD.

As for "foreigners", the middle class resistance to the government sponsored, irredentist, cultural imperialism of liberal immigration policies might be an affront to those pecuniarily insouciant swells on the stage last night, but it posed and poses a serious threat to our nation in the opinion of the plebs in "flyover" country.

I have to wrap this up with some awards of my own. For "Virtue Signaling" the Golden Globe goes to Tom Hiddleston. He went into the weeds with a personal story of his own heroism, working in the Sudan. He didn't mention, that the reason there is hell on earth in the Sudan and Darfur, is because of the racist Islamic Fundementalist Janjaweed, who are clearing space for living room. Yeah, that's right, "lebensraum". Guess that didn't fit the narrative.

Up next. The Academy Awards.


You decide . . .


  1. Nice work Chuck. Taking on the hypocrisy is tough in the midst of so much glitz and glamour.

  2. That's why I no longer watch award shows.

  3. In the past "chuck" has advocated the genocide of black people, white supremacy, misogyny and a general level of stupidity unheard of by the general population...and now he's one of your big featured writers?

    Christ on a stick, Tony...have you fucking snapped or something?

    1. Leave chuck alone, he hates negroes something fierce. So he's got that going for him.

      "The fucking lies that the Progressive Media promotes, the specious "Narrative" of white on black violence and the incitement of violence against cops and whites by blacks is a categorical result of the rhetoric used by the Black Panther President and his Black Panther Attorney General Eric Holder."

      That and "brobdignagian." Chuck's a real American hero.

    2. I like Streep but she is much more talented when she has a good writer. I respect Chuck's words but I do not agree. Trump is a greater theat than the imagined Islamic crisis.

  4. These people are the REAL drama queens.
    I would love to be "vilified" as much as Hollywood actors are.
    Does anyone take what they say, seriously? I would doubt it.

  5. Just more bad acting out of Hollywood.

  6. Unbiased like CNN and Hanoi Jane.
    Fuck her.

  7. Wonder which recovering alcohol or drug addict star will die next.

  8. 5:19 You are a liar, you just don't like his opinions.

  9. Meryl didn't say anything in 2009, when Obama was on the Tonight Show and said that his bowling skills were "like Special Olympics".

  10. She didn't mention her $65 Million net worth so the bottom 99% Clinton supporters who's incomes haven't risen in a quarter of a century think.. See she's one of us! She doesn't like Trump!

  11. Yep, that's what will endure Hollywood to the common man bash sports.

  12. @5:55. Find a bunker and assume the fetal position.

  13. Trump was right: Overrated.

  14. online sites are reminding us that wonderful Meryl, stood and applauded for fellow jew Roman Polanski at the 2003 Oscars, when they gave him the Best Director award for the holocaust flick "The Pianist".

    Never mind that Roman had already been CONVICTED in a US Court of drugging and raping a 13 year old girl two years earlier.

  15. There ought to be a drinking game where a shot is taken every time a zillionare bubble-headed celebrity decides to use the bully pulpit of a lame awards show to say ignorant things.

    The problem is we'd all be in the hospital half an hour in.

    This is what Hollywood thinks of you. They hate you. They fear you. They completely fail to understand the half (at least) of the country that doesn't agree with them 100 percent. They devour your money and adulation for a product that gets worse every year.

    This is why the left lost so historically. This is why they will continue to lose. They have nothing to say to anyone except themselves. The ones that actually make the country work; not the parasites feeding its worst impulses.

  16. Damn, scientific polling from Tony sourcing a beta pool made up of Duck Dynasty fan clubbers.

    Will be holding my breath on that earth shattering notice.

    1. Keep holding it, pretty please? And thanks for proving the point. Everyone who disagrees with you watches Duck Dynasty. Have the Russians hacked you yet? You're supposed to be afraid of them, you know. ;)

  17. Byron Funkhouser1/9/17, 6:44 PM

    I don't understand why anyone would waste their time watching an awards show.

    6:32, most people voted for Clinton.

    Isn't it interesting how some people seem to think that "free speech" shouldn't apply to 'celebrities'? Except for Trump, of course.

    5:19 has it right: Chuck, like his heroes, Trump & Putin, is a piece of shit.

    Trump is a traitor: Lock him up!!

    1. You're well-known to be mountainously stupid, but you surpass yourself here. An achievement!

      We don't elect people based on the popular vote. I hope I didn't spoil 8th grade civics for you.

      I think free speech applies to all,'s the way idiots like you and Meryl reveal themselves.

      Back to junior high, red scare boy.


  19. Hey, fuck you crybaby Byron. The people that make this country work voted for TRUMP !!!!! You will never understand scammer.

  20. I think Tony should put chuck's racist sexist bullshit ON BLAST every DAY!!!

    I mean, if your blog is a shithole, might as well give the biggest pile.of shit center stage, right?

    1. You don't know how to read, kiddo. All you've got are isms for ideas that might challenge your perspective.

      Back to the Huffington Post! There you'll find all the screeching leftist panic you want. ;)

    2. thanks niggerlover

  21. the libs went over-quota in pandering to blacks-- giving about a third of the awards to blacks--

    black "Altanta" producer Donald Glover said “This is incredible. I want to thank Atlanta and all the black folks in Atlanta, for real. For being alive and being amazing people."

    ...Then went back to join his table with his pale White baby-mama.

  22. I see Shithouser is back crying and lying as usual.

  23. The smoldering wreckage of the Democratic Party is a sight to behold.

  24. This WORTHLESS CUNT and all the others in Hollywood fag land should
    stick to what they think they know. Liberal pussy crybabies.

  25. Chuck takes apart Streep and the hypocrisy of liberal Hollywood.

    But that doesn't make Putin/Trump much better. There is no defending the clown puppet President. Only savagely attacking those who are even worse. THAT is how the Republicans keep winning elections.

  26. What does cum guy say?

  27. Academy Awards


  28. Thanks for all the comments. Seriously. I love the hate, not only for the catharsis I feel by proxy for those who pen the vitriol, but for the utilitarian feel that we common men, must embrace in the face of those ideas, that we disagree with.

    Unfettered FREE SPEECH is the foundation of a Free Society.

    I really do believe that Edmund Burke was right.

    "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

    The thing is, Meryl Streep, Byron Funkhowser, Me, all of us, think and are convinced, that WE are people of good conscience. Our subjective, solipsistic view of the world, needs input. Meryl Streep has political ideas that the Golden Globes Venue gave her. Thanks Tony, for letting a nobody electrician express his.

    Here is a toast to all of our detractors, the people that hate the ideas we embrace, the people that confront us and those that make us think. Most of all, here is to this venue, this Constitutionally protected venue, where all opinions, ugly, nasty, enlightened, beautiful and most hopefully, inspired, let us all rant.

    The old adage, about civilization's start, that began with an insult, as opposed to heaving a rock, rings true this night.

    God Bless You All.

    1. Don't hurt your arm patting yourself on the back chuckles, you're still a human stain and we still wish the Japs had dropped a bob directly on your father at Pearl Harbor so the chances of your being alive would have been reduced to nothing.

  29. When you make your living pretending to be somebody you're not, don't expect real people to take your opinion seriously.


    Mamma Mia!

    The Devil Wears Streep apparently, for this She-Devil sought to play the role of Suffragette in the Still Of The Night on a national broadcast which could be accurately described as Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events.

    President-Elect Trump responded by taking Meryl Into The Woods and playing Deer Hunter, because you know, Death Becomes Her.

    If she hasn't ruined her mainstream appeal, we might yet receive Postcards from The Edge, perhaps Out Of Africa, where she can seek refuge. One True Thing is The Hours are counting down for this aged Hollywood Ironweed, she of the Evil Angels.

    Make no Doubt, since November 2016, Trump Hope Springs eternal across this country, resonating the conservative Music Of The Heart.
    President Obama, The Manchurian Candidate, will soon be exiled from the circle of power, relegated to become A Prairie Home Companion lost among those he described as clinging to their guns and religion.

    It's Complicated, and frankly Streep gives me Heartburn. Listening to her political harangue is rather like an Adaptation of the principles of Dark Matter and Artificial Intelligence by the Fantastic Mr. Fox. I'd rather spend August in Osage County wearing wool!!!

  31. Funkhouser is a piece of shit and a traitor, as he calls everyone else. Lock him up and they'll make him the jailhouse bitch. Spread those checks, Funk!

  32. What you wont see is the libtard media doing a poll on who actually gives a shit what Streep has to say.

  33. Tony Funkhouser Buttholio knows how to play you dick weeds.

  34. Cross off another actor that I refuse to go see at a movie

  35. SJWs take to the streets in massive marches for the Stars Lives Matter movement --

    protesting the vilification of downtrodden , mega-millionaire Hollywood celebrities.

  36. Trump and his supporters seem like the real drama queens after their tirades.

    1. Weak sauce. The histrionic post-election antics of the left are beyond hilarious.:)

  37. 5:36...and Obama apologized, what else could be said?

  38. Nice to see Chuck and Super Dave get to state their feelings on stories they write here on Tonys. Try to respond to the content and not hate mail on the writers. I've met Chuck, nice guy.

  39. 12:32 - pot, meet kettle.

  40. Her next roll can be playing Megyn Kelly. Sure to become an award winner for the full of themselves crowd. Hollywood Hillary Hags can buy their own movie tickets. Have another face lift, take your prescribed chill pills because it's over.

  41. Do you really think that anyone other than a few sore losers listened to her moan. Her opinions are nothing more than opinions. Does she every get sweaty from working? does she ever miss a pay check? Has she ever seen her kids not have a decent supper. Has the government ever taken her house with eminent domain? Who cares what this millionaire phony says.

  42. Meryl Streep, nothing but the typical Holly'Weird Degenerate Pathetic Liberal SKANK that she is, just like Rosie O'Donnell, Whoopi, George Clooney, Sally Fields and that pathetic disgusting Libtard Skank, Ellen Degenerate = FACT !!!!

  43. Meryl said the right things but didn't get the right point across. The correct point is that Trump won the election. He deserves the respect of the Hollywood crowd just like the gave Obama respect and would have given Hillary their respect. The fact is they say one thing but do another.
    I do wish Trump would dump Twitter and quit taking the bait from these mostly high school drop out and college Fine Art'sy idiots.

  44. Give him the respect they gave Obama? Are you joking? From day one they were against him on every issue. Respect? Calling him a liar during a speech to the country is respect? Please u idiot. Get your facts right before u open your pie hole.
    Speaking of fake news i am sure you get all your info from Fox or some other idiotic place. Try looking it up yourself and finding the whole story.


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