Kansas City Payday Loan Final Note

Maybe just a bit of a gloating tone in this recent coverage of the a controversial loan kingpin's deminse . . . Despite the fact that MOST people use these kind of financial tools with very little problems and there's an overwhelming demand for the service online and in the real world. Take a look: Frampton (Ted) Rowland III, payday lending figure, dies at 52


  1. A good Catholic thief.
    Enjoy your dirt nap.

  2. Shame and guilt must have gotten to be too much. Too bad.

  3. Karma, I hope it hurt scum bag money changer.

  4. How 'bout them reparations Georgetown U. is said to soon offer. Supposed to be for slave owning and selling, up to the 1830's, by some Maryland Jesuits. Free tuition for select descendants of slaves. Uh, can black Irish apply?

  5. So when these guys die or off themselves what happens to their estates and restitution?

    Didn't the Enron Skilling die and save his family hundreds of millions because the court cases were ongoing when he either died or committed suicide?

  6. Did they state the cause of death? Do they think that he was unable to live a different lifestyle since the cash flow was no longer there? Very sad for the family, regardless, if the wife knew about the money. The kids are innocent and they lost their Father.


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