KCPD Chief Talks Connection To Dallas

Rather than focus on recent tone deaf comments regarding racism . . . This newspaper report cleans up the public comments of Kansas City's top law enforcement man and makes a supportive connection with another department that has commanded the sympathy and solidarity of many throughout the nation. Take a look: KC Police Chief Darryl Forté on Dallas' police chief: 'He deals with the same things that I deal with'


  1. KCPD and its chief would not make a pimple on Dallas' ass. The police certification process isn't even close between the two states and the Dallas chief manages thousands of employees engaged in a wide range of public safety and other city departments that go way beyond the scope of the police department. Better do your homework Forte. You aren't even close to being in the same league. Perhaps you could compare yourselves to Wichita or Des Moines where they are smaller, but beating your dick stiff on crime clearance rates too.

  2. Oh for fucks sake Darrleye, who's your PR consultant? Alonzo Washington?

  3. TBH I doubt what the chief said was a lie, there were some a#$'s back n the day, mostly command staff, for the most part the worker bees get along but, he probably embellished a bit, my point is, the difference between our chief and the Dallas chief can be summed up to this... become part of the solution "put down your signs, pick up an application, we are hiring" but we all know that won't happen....

  4. The only thing you can do after working at KCPD is work for a one trick pony town like warrensburg. How embarrassing.

  5. If the young officers at KCPD had anything on the ball they would polish off that degree and go to work for the Feds where they will instantly double their paycheck, have a world of resources and technology and rely on locals to take the risks.

  6. ^^^^^ authored by an African American....good for him to speak the truth!

  7. TKC hey no talk of the as game last night? Sal and hos did us proud!

  8. Hey Forte, how about less talk and more action on the streets!


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