Here's more testimony from the Kansas City Trump protest which makes an important claim that hasn't yet been addressed by the mainstream media . . .


To be fair, pepper spray travels far and wide and isn't a precise tool BUT there have been quite a few locals who have made this complaint that hasn't been addressed yet.

Here's the word that has been cross-posted to a few sites that don't allow FREE SPEECH like TKC . . .

Kansas City Peaceful Protester Complaint

"The right to free speech and peaceful protest are protected under the first amendment.

The KCPD had us separated from the Trump crowd all day by barricades and a street, lined with police down the middle. Most of the day, they did not interfere at all. To quote an officer, "say whatever the hell you want, but say it on the sidewalk." They were cordial and polite, some even took pics for people in the crowd.

In my four hours there I did not see any violence or preparation of violence by protestors. There were a HUGE variety of other protestors from many walks of life-black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Arab. Mothers with young children, veterans, high school students, etc. The diversity was truly a sight to see and made me proud to be American . . .

Shortly before the group in the video took the street, an organizer came through the crowd telling us to "link arms and take the street." I'm not sure exactly what they hoped to accomplish. About ~20-30 people did and walked into the street against police instruction. There was no violence or threat of violence. Nobody (certainly not 200 people as a media source has claimed) was "getting ready to fight. The police began using the horses to try and get protesters back to the sidewalk; the group refused. This is when things escalated very quickly & the pepper spray was used.

As the video clearly shows, we were on the sidewalk as instructed by police, as were a large number of others who were still sprayed heavily . . . I went to protest peacefully and until the pepper spray it was peaceful. I don't think it's fair to say that other people making poor decisions means I shouldn't be able to exercise my own rights. Nor do I think we had any way of foreseeing that we'd be sprayed while standing back. The officers who sprayed us had their backs turned to us and TOLD US specifically we would be fine if we stayed on the sidewalk."


  1. The gassing was indiscriminate. It should also be noted that the trump crowd was going out into the street to take photos at different times too.

  2. Maybe he should have done a better job trying to encourage his friends to be peaceful?

  3. Problem Solved3/14/16, 5:02 PM

    They should be fair about it and pepper spray Cruz supporters.

  4. To these precious millennial Bernie diaper wearers I'd say this: just look at it this way, you've had an experience that you can brag about on social media for "attaboys" for at least a week.

  5. Sounds like a typical reddit troll making up just about everything because he's bored.

  6. So, you're saying that he felt the Bern? That's good, real good.

  7. So you set out to disrupt someone's event and some of your fellow disrupters break the law. What the hell do you expect? There is a difference between protesting and trying to disrupt a lawful event.

  8. There is an old saying, "When you sleep with the dogs don't get up and bitch after you are covered with flea bites."

  9. You delete and edit comments and still claim you allow free speech, huh?

  10. ^^^ Don't be a spammy crybaby. I comment here all the time and never get deleted. If you want to cut and paste storm front shit. Then go to storm front.

  11. Mixing a quart of ice cream with a quart of dog shit doesn't make the feces taste better -- it makes the ice cream taste worse. And once the two are mixed, you can't separate them.

  12. hahahaha, and yet another edited comment. Mr. Free Speech strikes out.

  13. ^^^^ Of course there is free speech, but this ain't your blog, bitch.

    Tony runs it the way he sees fit and I don't mind if he takes your dumb ass out completely. I don't think he should do the courtesy of cleaning you up.

  14. Dump Trump.

  15. Absolutely agree with Dave here.

    If this guy wants to hang around with violent protesters and do then complain when he get misted. Then he should have stayed home.

  16. saying you're a Free Speech God and then editing comments make Tony seem like a first class hypocrite.

  17. ^^^^^^ Then go away. Nobody gives a shit if you want to cut and paste storm front shit. I'd rather not have to scroll past it.

  18. KCPD wins.

    This guy comes off like a whiny bitch.

    Rather not listen to it. The police did the right thing to move traffic along and keep people safe. If we let these people in charge then nobody would be allowed to disagree with them.

  19. Of course there are going to be complaints after the fact. But the KC police did the right thing to push the protesters back.

    The alternative is letting everyone block the street whenever they feel like it.

    That will not work!

  20. Drink milk hipster, or stay home.

  21. It's a shame that everything in Kansas City turns into a protest. It used to be that we were a town that built things but no more I guess. We live in a generation when people want to do nothing but protest instead of work.

  22. Trump supporters agree with punishment without cause?

    Big surprise.

  23. ^^^ You better be writing this from work, hipster.

  24. ^^^^ trailer trash trump supporter.

  25. The police began using the horses to try and get protesters back to the sidewalk; the group refused. This is when things escalated very quickly & the pepper spray was used.

    This says it all. Writer was in the wrong place at wrong time. The peace was maintained.

  26. If these jackoffs would have just stayed home and let the Democratic process do it's thing they wouldn't have been a national embarrassment to this city.

  27. That ending is priceless. Too bad the big baby didn't learn anything.

  28. The libturds piss and moan like the MU coons. God Damn it you go to a place where the whole fucking town is expecting trouble. Then there is trouble on your side and you want the outnumbered police to scientifically direct their gas so that it only effects the worst of the shit heads? Get the fuck out of here.

    As the old saying goes Mr. Victim, if you go looking for trouble you are bound to find it. Why would any intelligent individual choose the path that thousands have chosen before him and failed and think his odds are going to be any better? It just does not get any fucking stupider. Seriously folks, the fucking moron ass hats call Republicans stupid? Next time they need to stick the gas canister up your ass where your head is located and maybe some fucking sense will stick.

  29. Look you got three choices for Prez now.

    Clinton-Trump-or the United Nations

  30. It’s funny and obviously there’s something highly satisfying about watching the establishment squirm.

  31. Best part is that most of these "protesters" will be deported soon or get their free Government money gravy train (Byron Fuckheadhoser) taken away anyway if Trump is elected.

  32. hate to say it and I may not agree but a lot of people feel like @6:48

  33. Typical Westport/Plaza crowd of disrespectful activist, show your position voting
    for your favorite, and not threatening others, please...

  34. Collateral damage is unfortunately something that happens. Whether it bothers you, or not, depends on which side of an issue you're on.

  35. Heard young brunettes in the crowd at Bill's trail stops get hosed too. Ones in blue dresses get a cigar with theirs.

  36. 7:26 True. They're of an array of demographics that the pundits with their polls could be markedly mistaken about. The black, white, brown and blended of decent morals and good intelligence respects CIVIL disobedience that is harmless. Shout, if permitted. Stand, where allowed. Wave flags and signs, not weapons and threats. Barricades and policing ARE NOT SUGGESTIONS!

    Shoving, voiced threats and defying police commands got Mizzou's activist CLICK the consequences justified for her incivility. Suppose the message is clear now, this isn't Columbia and we don't want another Ferguson?

  37. TKC, here's where this DOUCHEBAG gets it all wrong!!!!

    In their own words:

    "To quote an officer, "say whatever the hell you want, but say it on the sidewalk."
    They were cordial and polite,..." So far so good!

    "an organizer came through the crowd telling us to "link arms and take the street." I'm not sure exactly what they hoped to accomplish. About ~20-30 people did and walked into the street against police instruction."
    DOUCHEBAG protester doesn't see a problem here? You just said the police were polite and cordial. Anyone who disobeys a lawful order from a police officer whose duty is to maintain order, must suffer the consequences. This simple point of fact is apparently incomprehensible to some young adults today. Utter MORONS!!!

    "The police began using the horses to try and get protesters back to the sidewalk; the group refused. This is when things escalated very quickly & the pepper spray was used."
    THE GROUP REFUSED!!! You wrote it yourself DOUCHEBAG! Quit being a WIMPY DOUCHEBAG PUSSY, pepper spray was used as an alternative to swinging batons, tackling, stun guns, and the ultimate use of bullets. You didn't have to stay in the vicinity if the pepper spray was drifting.

    The protester who contributed this post to TKC is an IDIOTIC, SELF-CENTERED, SNIVELING DOUCHEBAG!!!!!!!

  38. Dead on 9:40. Video confirms disruptor's story: crowd pushed forward; cops blocked them; crowd continued to push; cops spray.

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  39. The man telling the story wasn't one of the protesters who pushed forward, he was an innocent bystander who was also sprayed.

  40. For several hours the canisters were visible and common sense guided some folks to vacate that sidewalk strip (across from Midland entrance area) as seen on video. Pix show crowds meandering and then later filling in behind the stoopids shoving into the street. Anyone behind the stooges going into the street who saw them defying police commands could have moved out of that area. It took over five minutes from warning to mounted PD push back before the spraying. Instead of sensibly exiting, the smartasses appeared to stand by in a daring stance. Shouts of "our streets" and "shut it down" probably went to "Ouchie!" - "shit, that BERNS!"

  41. 12:44 What was his name?

  42. Protestors ????????

    more like out of control RIOTERS = FACT !!!!!


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