New Career For Kansas City Talker Darla Jaye

We talked about Darla Jaye and the death of Conservative radio in Kansas City recently . . . Right now let's start the morning with a bit of good news and word of life after radio for one of this town's most talented opinion journalists.

Darla Jaye via FB: "I am very excited and proud to announce that I am finally employed!! I am going to be the Public Information Officer for the Johnson County Sheriff's Office! I start tomorrow and am honored to work for such a fine organization of dedicated men and women.(I am so nervous!) I will always miss radio but am so happy to start my new career!"

This is a great move for the Darla and the Golden Ghetto along with a sign that the media landscape continues to change and the most talented people adapt and continue to move forward.

More in a bit . . .


  1. It amazes me how all these former TV/radio talkers and newspaper folks in this town somehow end up with jobs in public relations/communications with absolutely zero experience in the PR/Comm realm.

  2. What's comical is that she had so little good to say about ANY level of government until her paycheck comes from one of them.
    It won't be long before all the big-time local media "celebrities" are on one taxpayer payroll or another.
    Proving once again that it's hard to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it.
    At the same time, it's getting harder and harder to tell what passes for local media from the flacks at city hall and the counties.
    Waiting for Darla's insightful public safety comments on Twitter.

  3. What a waste of tax dollars.

  4. Glad to hear that Ronald McDonald finally landed a new gig.

  5. Good news.

  6. Good point 6:40 but I think she is one of the few people who will make local government better.

  7. Nobody listened to her on the radio...I doubt anyone will listen to her now...

  8. 9:03 nailed it.

  9. Think Chris Hernandez @KCMO

  10. Public Information Officer for the JoCo Sheriff? Sounds like the kind of wasteful government spending a conservative would decry.

  11. Someone who apparently recognizes the new economy and pivots in a manner to adjust to the 2016 reality.

    Better than showing at Trump events and bitch about how you hate globalization and blame it on someone else.


    Or, go on Tony's KC and bitch.

  12. Chris Hernandez3/30/16, 11:54 AM

    I get to blow all the movers and shakers in KC AND I get paid to do it!

  13. Perfect post 11:20
    Seems to be the in thing with Tony as well

  14. 6:40 has got it right. What is this shit with taking has been broadcasters and making them instant career bureaucrats on the tax payers dime?

  15. Good for Darla!! At least she's not sitting around, collecting government benefits like every NIGGER in the western world.

  16. I didn't think i would miss Darla, but I really miss darla.


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