The latest Missouri campaign finance reports reveal that Progress KC, the group supporting Question 1 Earnings Tax renewal, has $330,740.37 on hand - And that should be more than enough to influence all the votes that haven't already been convinced by the Mayor Sly & City Council East Side giveaway spree.

Even better . . .


We have a few snarky remarks that we'll include with the listing but feel free to add your own . . .

First and foremost . . .

- The Go For KC PAC led by TIF Queen Cindy Circo has given $4K to date which is a small price to pay now that she has seemingly pledged (what's left of) her immortal soul to all things on Mayor Sly's agenda.

- Boulevard Brewing Company topped off a cool $8K so far in order to keep their hipster patrons in debt.

- $40K so car from the CHIPP political account which matches the same address as a Carpenter's union.

- Tension Envelope tossed in $5k.

- Hallmark Cards sends their very best with a $25K gift.

- The Greater Kansas City Chamber Of Commerce gives $50K.

- Kansas City Live LLC reports $20K that'll probably go a long way toward powering the P&L District and other properties.

- Stinson Leonard Street sends $7,500.

- TIF Lawyer Jerry Riffel helps out with $1000.

- DST sends $50K which matches the $50K from the Civic Council.

There are many more on this list mostly comprised of big biz, lawyers, aspiring power players and other suits but these names stand out and make it clear the level of support in taxing the income of Kansas City & JoCo residents.

You decide . . .


  1. Make the connection TKC. All of these people likely want something for their money and aren't doing it out of the kindness of their heart.

    Do regular KC voters have the same interests as these law firms, developers, lawyers and institutions? That is the question you're missing.

  2. Correct, 8:20. The donors are not do gooders. They want two things: (1) to stay on the right side of the city officials who will decide who gets the contract, and (2) to make sure there is an ample supply of money for the city to pay them with.

  3. Vote noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  4. Urban Dictionary: Dumb Broad

    a stupid female/hoe who has no fuckin sense at all. they do stupid shit without even thinkin about it.

  5. Not a bad start are there any other bribes and shady behind the scenes deals they haven't reported?

  6. Straight out of influence!!!

  7. Hallmark is nearly bankrupt. You'd think that they'd be more conservative in their donations. What's in it for them I wonder?

  8. KC's Power Players DO NOT Pay The 1 Percent Earnings Tax!!!!

    KC's working stiffs who earn a paycheck as an employee, are the ones who get disproportionately shafted by the earnings tax.

    Boulevard Brewing, Tension Envelope (Berkley's), Hallmark, KC Live (Cordish), Stinson, DST, etc., are corporations which use creative tax planning to avoid, as much as possible, the 1 percent earnings tax. The Chamber of Commerce is exempt from the earnings tax.

    If there was any semblance of investigative journalism in this town, you'd have reporters demanding that these "power players" explain why they avoided the 1 percent earnings tax.

    Does anyone believe that former practicing attorney Sly James paid the earnings tax on his income?
    Does anyone believe that Jim Heeter of the Chamber of Commerce pays 1 percent of his income?
    Does anyone believe that any of the large law firms in town actually pay 1 percent of their income?
    Does anyone not believe that the Cordish Co. of Baltimore has gotten millions upon millions of dollars in subsidies from KCMO in exchange for several thousands of dollars in political contributions?

    If the earnings tax records were publicly available, so that people could clearly see that the wealthy don't pay the earnings tax, then the renewal would go down in flames!!

    1. oh it's true 9:32! No one working at The Star pays the 1% earnings tax! I verified it!!! I just called and asked. They were real nice.

  9. As soon as one ofourlocal investigative reporters checks to see which of these companies have exemptions and donot pay earnings tax, nor do their employees or clients, they can blow this thing wideopen. Also which of these companies has had their real estate appraisals lowered to avoid property taxes?? Example: KC live from $65,000,000 to
    $12 million, KC Star From $220,000,000 to $22,000,000 of course they are going to do what the city says!

  10. There is a reason that poor working class people pay 81% of the tax and businesses pay only 19% of the tax! Wise up KC!!!!

  11. The grifter slum that is Killer City (Detroit South) rakes in more payola. Lots of guys in expensive suits drinking lots of expensive booze while sorking stiffs from Johnson County get shaken down every time they get paid.

    Ten years from now most of those white-collar, high-dollar jobs in KC will be somewhere between Leawood and Olathe. May not be cheaper to do business there, but at least they plow snow off the streets and your chances of catching a stray bullet are much lower.

  12. So if you are a business in KCMO getting eaten by the parasite that is KC city government why would you join an organization like the Chamber of Commerce which supports those destroying your business?

  13. That is a lot of money for Pat O'Neill to steal from at 25 percent.

  14. Cindy's part of CumGuys harem.

  15. I cast my last vote on this issue with my feet. I know the city will be in dire straits without it. They set up their funding structure that way. They abate, fail to debate and generally slide things by that we pay for with our general tax dollars and then parade basic services by us as e-tax funded expense. The decision makers at city hall sliced it that way. They hate the guy, Rex Sinquefield from St Louis for telling everyone the truth. I've seen his full study of e-tax in KC and St Louis and no one can dispute the fact that dependency was created by slight of hand diverted payments for less desirable projects. Call the guy crazy all the way to Detroit status. The only thing he says that is crazy is that it can just go away.

  16. Cindy has vaginal lubracation problems.

  17. I get why they hired Cindy. You want your target audience to relate to the person. In this case, they are looking for dumb voters.

  18. OK, a bit of sanity here:

    1. There are NO WAIVERS of Earnings Tax. ZERO. This is a FANTASY.

    2. No existing E-Tax goes to developers. Only a portion of the INCREASED E-Tax generated by a development can be used to help pay for that development, for a set number of years.

    3. Kansas City has no control over the appraised value of real property. That is done by County governments.

    4. Every lawyer who practices in KC is required to pay E-Tax. Law partnerships will file a partnership return for all of their partners, but employees have money withheld -- including attorney employees.

    5. It is a tax on EARNED income, so those on pensions and Social Security do not pay. HALF of the E-Tax is paid by non-residents who work in KC, and benefit from our services. Without the E-Tax, KC residents (including the elderly and disabled) would have to make up the difference in regressive property and sales taxes -- DOUBLING our tax burden so the folks who live in Mission Hills and Leawood can work in KC for FREE!

    Nobody likes taxes -- but taxes are what we pay for living in civilization, with reasonable safety and comfort. Adults -- of whatever age -- understand that.

  19. Vote NO to The E-TAX

  20. 2:46 The problem with your logic is it completely ignores the city governments fiduciary responsibilities towards it's citizens and tax payers. That logic is, "We like to spend money like drunken sailors so we need the E Tax." The appropriate logic might be, "We need to stop spending like drunken sailors" and reduce the need to E Tax people outside the city. In fact it seems sad that the only real reason KC seems to want visitors is for revenue through an ungodly list of fees and taxes that exist on everything from hot dogs to hotel rooms. The millions spent on these revenue generating schemes are never returned to the citizens in any form. The revenue is used for the city to compete with it's owns citizens and existing businesses while the city has the kahunas to ask for more.. How does that fare with the needs and desires of the citizens and tax payers? It is time for KC to grasp that perhaps the citizens and those surrounding the city limits don't want to be a part of these grandios schemes and money pits and have decided it is time for it to stop. When private enterprise wants or needs competition that is for the market to shake out - not for a city to use as a scam to create another enterprise tax zone and punish citizens and legitimate businesses for simply existing.

  21. Phil Cardarella at 2:46 comment

    You continue going full-frontal with your ignorance. Quite surprising for the spouse of a City Council member and someone formerly indicted by the Feds.

    Perhaps you're playing word games here, but if you're stating that no individual, business, association, etc., is exempt from the 1 percent earnings tax, then you are the one who is telling lies.

    You're in contempt.

  22. STL is exceptions against the earnings tax.

    Here is the evidence:

    There's a Real Problem with St. Louis' Earning Tax — Not Everyone Is Paying It

    Phil, you are lying here. WHy?

  23. Nothing today to troll comments on child victims Tony?

  24. Courtesy of the excellent KC Business Journal:

    "...of the more than $80 million in tax incentives for the expansion of Burns & McDonnell’s world headquarters complex at the northwest corner of Wornall and Bannister roads.

    ...will include utility tax revenue and half of the earnings tax revenue generated by the expansion."

    Because, you know, Burns and McDonnell is a struggling upstart, who reports that average employee pay will be $126,000 a year for employees in the new subsidized structures!!

    Assistant City Manager Bob Langenkamp explained that the Chapter 100 financing will technically make the city (KCMO) the owner of the new buildings, which will be leased to the developers and subleased to Burns & McDonnell until the bonds are paid off.

    So, while East-side residents live next to dilapidated abandoned houses that KCMO owns but won't maintain....while Northland residents can't have streetlights and sidewalks....while West-side residents see their streets flood after routine rain....while Southland residents are ignored as almost suburban....while historic NE residents see their neighborhood serve as a dumping ground....Mayor James, Council, and TIF Commission are building new headquarters for one of this town's wealthiest employee-owned companies!!!

    Move along folks, nothing to see here, just business as usual.

  25. Time to put a foot up Circo's Ass, and give her the Boot right out of this city !
    Shame on KCP&L for keeping her and catering to this Degenerate Bitch, shes phony as fuck, and worthless !
    NOT a good PR Person to have on your KCP&L team as a spokesperson - Duhhhhhh !
    Wake Up KCP&L, shes givin you a badd reputation , get rid of her degenerate ass - Ship the Bitch !!!

  26. 2:30 you just didn't hit the right spot. I have seen it gush. It was like the overflow at Quick Lube. Pussy juice running down those how ass cheeks. Thump thump thump......ahhhhhhhh.

  27. I'll tell you this you sons of bitches. They will not get my hard earned money. I will have sex with my Asian wife in Parkville from now on. I'm never leaving!


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