Lucy And A Whole Lot Of Kansas City News Link Lovin' For The Afternoon!!!

Lucy Collett inspires us to push past our Valentine's Day love hangover and continue to share the love and highlight some of the most important Kansas City news right now . . .

Celebrate Kansas City Conflict Resolution
Man surrenders after south KC standoff
Union Station Makeover Continues
Union Station construction continues, crews expected to begin building fencing
Kansas Drinking Game
Johnson County Has More Binge Drinking, But Wyandotte County Has The Bigger Problem
JoCo Property Crackdown Coming Soon
Overland Park City Council to discuss rental inspection program
Sunflower State Disparity
Side-By-Side Kansas Counties Are Worlds Apart When It Comes To Health

Show-Me Hog Wild Cutbacks
Missouri pushing feral hogs hunting ban on public lands
Rock Chalk Internets Cash Game
'All gifts matter': KU Endowment launches own version of Kickstarter
Show-Me Grandstanding Kick-Off
Six ethics proposals could be set for final passage when the Missouri Senate starts work Monday
Internets Tech Brings Family Together For Once
Kansas City's very own Woodsie creates an epic creepy face swap and it goes viral
This Week's Agenda
Ballet, Bulls & Folk Fest - Who could ask for more?
And this is the OPEN THREAD for right now . . .


  1. Lucy has not let herself go.

    There's just more of her to love.

  2. Gastric Weight Loss Surgery

  3. Yeah the harsh critiques from the beer bellied, spaghetti armed, snaggle toothed misogynist losers are a given. Get back to your porn and lite beer buzz.

  4. My friends and I would bang fatties like Luke Collett in college. We would give them terrible nicknames and make fun of each other to this day for getting drunk and hogging.

  5. Dude, you really need to quit fantasizing about your Mama when you choose which hotty pics to post....

  6. Lucy is hot. None of you dweebs could get her.

  7. What a fat, smelly hog!!

  8. Executive summary:
    1. Joco has more drunks than the Dotte.
    2. But Dotte drunks are more likely to kill you with their cars and guns.
    3. Fat chicks drive men to drink.


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