The Kansas mass shooting story continues to grow. Here's the latest chunk of information as this story takes an interracial turnabout after all . . . Checkit:

Fox4kc.com: Kansas woman charged with providing guns to Hesston shooter

Kansas.com: Sarah Jo Hopkins is the mother of Cedric Ford’s two children

KMBC: An affidavit says the Newton woman gave Cedric Ford two guns: a Zastava Serbia, which is an AK-47-type semi-automatic rifle, and a Glock Model 22 40-caliber handgun.

Developing . . .


  1. What a babe!
    I am fappin' over that one.

  2. Cum guy, you awake yet?

  3. Byron's sister, a "Social Justice Warrior" because, you know..., slavery.

  4. Walk the plank, mudshark hog.

  5. if OBUMMER had a SON!!!!

  6. If Obummer had a daughter with a white woman.

  7. Lynching Whites for associating with Blacks? I dont see how she might be the cause of this shooting. The parents of teen mass shooters Eric Harrison and Dylan Klebold walked free (Columbine). The parents of the Sandy Hook shooter...also walked free. There has to be consistency. Here, it looks like she's being charged because the shooter was black.

  8. The Columbine shooters weren't felons. This guy was a felon and should never own a gun. This bitch provided him those guns so she goes to jail. Simple. Sorry, the truth doesn't fit your narrative.

  9. The Sandy Hook shooter's mother didn't walk free. Lanza killed her and took her guns that he used to shoot up the school.

    Keep telling yourself that bad people won't find a way to get guns if that helps you sleep better at night. The reality is that gun control only hurts law-abiding citizens. In this case, the baby mama mudshark gave her felon baby daddy the guns; and she should be punished accordingly.

  10. I knew it would be a ugly fat ass mudshark before I ever saw the picture. Black guys will fuck anything. Throw her fat ass in prison. Hope she feels good knowing she provided the guns to kill three people and would more than a dozen others, not too mention the families she helped ruin. All to appease a black male animal. Maybe she'll commit suicide

  11. Wayne LaPierre2/27/16, 9:11 AM

    This is the face of your 2nd Amendment Rubes.

    Keep buying ammunition and arms because Hillary will be coming for your guns in 11 months. Forget that I have been saying that each time a democrat is elected to the WH for the last 40 years.

    And thanks for making it easy on me when I represent those who benefit from your ignorance.

  12. Not Cum Guys style. Even we degenerates have a line we won't cross.

  13. Another white libtard mudshark pandering and enabling coons.

  14. Not Cum Guys type. If she lost 50 to 75 pounds and did something with her hair maybe. I think CM doesn't like them nasty, but next to nasty.

  15. 9:55 I doubt if she votes but if she did I bet it would be Republican. I bet she's just the kind of person who would vote against her own economic interests just like so many idiots in Kansas do. Don't forget that 2nd amendment you hold so dear made it so easy for Sambo to get an AK.

  16. 9:55 First off damn near your entire post is about shit you don't factually know. I'd suggest you take a nationwide poll of white women with coons and lets see how many are Republicans. I don't hold the second amendment any more or less dear than any other part of the constitution. The difference between me and coons is that coons want to pick and choose which part ought to apply to them. The sad part is the libtards think that program is just fine and dandy - whatever blackie wants as long as he give us his vote.

    You forget that it was the Democratic Party that fought for segregation all through the 60s and only after the Federal government came down on them did they decide to buy modern day slaves with bribes rather than use force to keep them under the thumb. While using blacks like paws the libtards point across the isle and call conservatives the devil. As good little slaves do, the coons echo the chant being to fucking dumb to get how they are being played and made totally dependent on handouts like fucking pet dogs.. The program has worked well and is now being applied to the Mexshitcan illegals. Tell me all about idiots.

  17. Correction - 10:40 ^^^^^

  18. Violent, alcoholic, depressed, Black male felon

    has a girlfriend who is

    Large, homely, and White, who lives in a trailer

    Wow!! I never saw that one coming!

  19. I don't care about her appearance, I care that she broke the law in helping a felon get a gun. Shame on her if she is found guilty.

  20. Glad to see Mizz Piggy getting a reality show.


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