Hard Time For Oak Park Mall Lady Crook

Aftermath of recent crime spree and a look at the ongoing trouble at this town's shopping mecca institution currently enduring a crime spike over the past two years: Woman sentenced to nearly seven years in prison for Oak Park Mall robbery


  1. Should have stuck to Jackson County where it would have been probation.

  2. Boo hoo......she paid for that hair....she can deal.

  3. Here is the reality: KCMO is still a more-or-less functioning city ONLY because it is next door to the only thriving, high-income area in the region, Johnson County, Kansas.

    Kansas City thugs and thugettes need to show proper respect by keeping their hood-rat hijinks in murderous Missouri.

    If it were not for the presence of prosperous Johnson County, KCMO would be a no-go zone where people on welfare are shooting cats and planting vegetables in their front yards in order to have something to eat. Like Detroit.

    JoCo is the golden-egg-laying goose that is keeping the rest of the metro alive. It's not a good thing to shit where you eat.

    1. Hey ignorant Cracker, I live in JoCo now. Were about to take over the state of Kansas. If you don't like us living in "Your" state keep it moving. Now move it or Lose it. ����

  4. Nigger crime in JoCo. The plague spreads.

  5. This is a perfect example of the scam that exists from the gun control nuts. Every one wants to stop gun violence but when some ghetto thug uses a gun in a felony crime they are given a seven year sentence. In American that translates to a real sentence of a little over two years with good time.

    Fuck! You get more time in prison for pinching one of those fat Johnson County bitches on the boob. This is a perfect reason why no one takes these libtards and their anti gun bullshit seriously.

  6. You want to curb illegal gun violence? Hand out a mandatory hard-20 to every convicted offender using a gun in the commission of a felony crime against another person no questions asked.

    it may not curb the propensity of these violent idiots to use guns....but it sure as hell would take them out of circulation and prevent them from shooting at someone else next week.

  7. She's gone learn today9/4/15, 1:02 PM

    Johnson County showing once again that they don't play with criminals. I'm inclined to believe she'll do all seven of those years in prison.

  8. This little NIGGER bitch, will be out of jail in less time that it takes to say Jack Robinson. Oh, the things she'll learn in NIGGER college too...


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