The first work week for Kansas City 2015 has already kicked off to a tragically violent and deadly start.

To wit . . .


Take a look at evidence to back up our claim.

Check it:


KSHB: One person found shot in a car in KCMO

Northeast News: Shooting at Scarritt and Belmont injures at least one

More . . .


Fox4: Heartbroken mom pleads for arrest in drive-by shooting that killed her baby son

Sadly . . .


KMBC: Drive-by shooting death of Machole Stewart remains unsolved

And here we are . . . At the outset of 2015, on the first real work week of the year, Kansas City has continued down it's same deadly path of self-destruction with politicos denying reality all along the way.

Developing . . .


  1. I agree that this has been a violent start to the year but it doesn't make sense to just complain about it TKC.

    You have to offer solutions. Whether you like it or not, KC Nova seems to be on the right track and there is evidence that what they did last year worked. That is a fact you always fail to acknowledge.

  2. We all know what the solution is.

    Anybody who doesn’t understand that integration has been a horrible failure is afflicted with a comprehension problem.

    These people are just 13% of the population, but insist on being front and center on almost everything, and if they aren’t they wail and complain, even though they contribute absolute nothing of value to this society. In fact, they bring it down terribly in many ways by being responsible for ten times the amount of murders committed by both Hispanics and whites, as Bill O’Reilly said.

    And, although black males are but 6% of the population they commit 58% of all violent crime, as well as a disproportionate amount of other crimes, far greater in number than any other group in this country. Rates of crime and disruption in the schools can be attested to by any student of any group that shares classroom space with them.

    But it doesn’t just concern high rates of crime. Education has suffered horribly as well. With the lowest average group I.Q. in the US, African Americans cannot learn at the same level and speed as other groups which has created what the press and academia refer to as the “achievement gap,” which, they pretend is due to things other than their own inability. Even newly arrived, dirt poor immigrants do better.

    Blacks like Oprah have been generously rewarded with billions from the support of white citizens, yet their response is to spit in our faces.

  3. If there is one thing in this wonderful world of ours that is worth preserving, defending, and promoting, it is the White Race. Nature looked fondly upon the White Race and lavished special loving care in its growth. Of all the millions of creatures who have inhabited the face of this planet over the eons of time, none has ever quite equaled that of the White Race. Nature endowed her Elite with a greater abundance of intelligence and creativity, of energy and productivity than she endowed unto any other creature, now or in the millenniums past.

    It has been the White Race who has been the world builder, the makers of cities and commerce and continents. It is the White Man who is the sole builder of civilizations. It was he who built the Egyptian civilization, the great unsurpassed Roman civilization, the Greek civilization of beauty and culture, and who, after having been dealt a serious blow by a new Semitic religion, wallowed through the Dark Ages, finally extricated himself, and then built the great European civilization.

    These European White Men, then, with civilization in their blood and in their destiny, crossed the Atlantic and set up a new civilization on a bleak and rock bound coast. It was the White Men who drove north to Alaska and west to California; the men who opened up the tropics and subdued the Arctics; the men who mastered the African Veldts; the men who peopled Australia and seized the gates of the world.

    It was the White Race who produced men like Columbus who crossed the unknown Atlantic; men like Magellan who first circumnavigated the globe; men like Rubens, Raphael and thousands of other geniuses who created beautiful and exquisite productions in the fields of sculpture and painting; men like James Watt who invented the steam engine; men like Daimler who invented and built the reciprocating internal combustion engine; production geniuses like Henry Ford, inventors like Thomas Edison; such a prodigal genius as Nikola Tesla in the field of physics and electricity; untold geniuses in the fields of mathematics, in the fields of chemistry and physics.

    It was the White Man who spanned the continents of the world with railroads and super highways and electrical power lines. It was the White Man who created the miraculous world of electronics, ushering in the telephone, the radio and television. It was the White Race, who in a combined burst of energy and genius sent rockets to the moon.

    The brilliant accomplishments of the White Race are endless and rapidly expanding even as this is being written. All one has to do is leaf through the pages of an encyclopedia to appreciate the magnificent legacy of achievements wrought by the White Race through the centuries.

    What other race can even come close to this remarkable record of creativity, achievement and productivity? The answer is none. None whatsoever. None can even come close. In contrast, the black man of Africa never so much as even invented the wheel.

    Yes, it is the White Man, with his inborn and inbred genius, that has given form to every government and a livelihood to every other people, and above all, great ideals to every century. Yes, we are the ones, racial comrades, who were especially endowed by Nature and chosen to be the ruling Elite of the world. Indeed, we were chosen by Nature to be masters of the world by building it ever better and better. We were destined to be fruitful and to multiply and to inhabit the entire hospitable face of this planet. This is our Manifest Destiny as ordained by Nature herself.

    We, the White Race, have such a glorious heritage and such an illustrious history that every member of the White Race should be bursting with pride to be part of it. Each and every one of us must dedicate ourselves to the great mission that Nature has set for us, but have not yet fulfilled, namely: to rule and to populate all the good earth of this planet.

  4. Pastor Manning

  5. Here is your solution 7:53, stop shooting each other. If this REALLY matters then those who are out there saying, “I can’t breath” or those who walk around with their hands up, then THEY need look at the true problem in the deaths and ALL THE SHOOTINGS. There are a shit load of them. It isn’t the police doing it 7:53. The only solution to all this are for those to police themselves, to be “productive” citizens, to go out and make a difference instead of showing how their ignorance. Or is it ignorance? What is it 7:53? Will that ever happen, doubt it.

  6. If that is cut and paste it will be deleted. Don't do that shit here, your racist screed bullshit won't stand for one second.

    Spam this place with shit again and it will be gone you racist and worthless fuck. You're living proof that some white people are actually inferior.

  7. In the interest of pandering to N of hits, Tony has refocused on pandering to some awfully terrible people.

    And he wonders why he is marginalized.

  8. You might not like it, but "8:11" is accurate.

    You can have your opinions. But the FACTS are the FACTS.

  9. Work week for us.... Get a real job Tony, and stop juicing your fat mamma.

  10. 8:54 is dead on the money.

  11. Rack 'em and Stack 'em

  12. Just like Auschwitz

  13. The blow back from these feral filth protesting in the streets for thugs who are black turds in the American punch bowl is pretty impressive.

    White people I only speak with in business or occasionally in passing are no longer reticent in their disgust and contempt of African Americans and the sub culture of pig ignorant stupidity and violence that defines it so clearly.

    This is a good thing folks. White people see the truth and see it up close and they don't like it at all.

    Keep burning, keep protesting, keep killing each other and wrecking everything you touch in support of your "Movement".

    I can't get enough.

  14. Race Traitors

  15. It's not about black or white or even about right or wrong. It's about green. Look who is making money off these deaths and then you'll know how to solve them.

    In the future and because of this market, we'll see more murder and we need to grow realistic about how to prevent it by not pulling any punches. At the very least, this blog provides one discussion place for people who don't want to give into all of the other crap from the MSM.

  16. Bull Connor was right.

  17. The American black has been the single most prominent causal factor in the demise of this once great country. They have ruined all of Americas great cities, ran them into the ground and destroyed their beauty. They have promulgated crime like locust everywhere they dwell. Their preferential treatment in hiring and promotions is the antithesis of fairness. Never has their been group so undeserving of this treatment. Their gutter culture that glorifies criminal activity and violence has infected our youth and has been promoted by the media as something to be proud of. White on black crime, which is extremely rare, is trumpeted as though it occurs daily, while black on white crime is hidden and its traces caused to evaporate like water. I do not owe them anything. In fact if we were rid of this menace the USA would be a fantastic place to live.

  18. Ah yes the always elusive Yard Ape. Usually found in the Great Plains region Yard Apes have been known on occasion to migrate as far south as Central Texas. The best way to differentiate between the two is to note the close proximity of a Lincoon Coontinental, with this you can always be assured that you have indeed spotted the authentic Yard Ape.

    Negro Spotting is a wonderful hobby and retired white people often partake in this activity whilst traveling about in their motor homes. There are so many colorful colored folk across this great land, it boggles the mind.

    For Instance: The New York & New Jersey states have negros known as Crackheads and Pimps-n-Hos; much like the Texas Moon Crickets this group is seen in the dark of the night and only come out during the daylight hours to replenish their needed supplies. Further south in the Washington D.C. and Maryland area, you will find your Welfare Negros. This group has settled in this area due to the fact that their monthly check is delivered in a very short period of time. As stated before the South Eastern States, Georgia, Virginias, Carolinas, are home to the Native Porch Monkeys. Moving farther West, in Alabama and Mississippi, you will encounter the Uncle Toms; who are a very content group living off the land and whatever they can scrape up off the road. Entering Louisiana, you will find perhaps Americas most unique group of negros, the Coonass. Such a different group, the Coonass's language and culture cannot be understood by even their closest black brethren. The Midwest, Detroit and Chicago, is home to the Uppities ;who's howls and rants can be heard twenty four hours a day for miles and miles. You will find the Mountain states practically devoid of American negros, due to the fact that even negros can't stand to be surrounded by that many Mexicans and Mormons. California is the only true melding pot for the American Negro and you can find most of the tribes living there at any time.

  19. Just can't keep from taking Tony's bait.

  20. ^^^^^^ LOL !

  21. Jesus Christ, I don't mind some racist humor. I actually like it, but save the sermon for your neo nazi followers scumbag.

  22. This was all black on black crime, correct? If they don't care about themselves why should I ?

  23. KCNOVA is a joke. Crime is down nationally and everyone wants to take credit here in KC. Nothing that group has done or KCPD has done will change the facts. Spin it how you like but only the truth is true, nothing else is.

  24. 9:07 is not funny. The hood is not a concentration camp. Prisoners of the camps were sent there because of who they were, not because of anything else. There is no relation between jews, gays, gypsys ( I don't know what you call gypsys, romanians?), the mentally ill, the handicapped, the russians, friends of the russians in poland, some catholics, and pretty much anyone else the regime hated.

    The hood is not a concentration camp. There is a difference between the two. Completely. Hood life is a whole different thing than wwII. There was no welfare back then, section 8, and hardly any social programs. Hood life is a lifestyle choice. No one in the big gov comes and sends all the hood rats away. I am sure many people that are forced to live around hood rats would wish they could send them away, but thats not what america does, plus we send them to a for profit jail to give them a better life than they had at home.

    However, since I have to use my masters degree here I can see how the uninformed who clearly only knows about one camp in germany and who has never been there and knows very little about history, yeah to those types of people, I can see how they can concept it. However, you gotta read because people love well structured arguments in inflammtory statements. If your goal is attention, you showed how little you know.

    I defend anyones right to say what they want to say. I also reserve the right to pick on dudes that get none and are so alienated all they can do is talk on the computer all day.

  25. Can we get back to the part where Europeans came to this land and fucked other cousin's until their chins fell off requiring even more migration to this Fatherland to keep these fools from starving?

  26. ^^^^^^^^^^^^

    Epic take down. Nice work!

    1. Epic takedown? It literally makes no sense. I've read it several times. If there is an idea contained within, it has been destroyed by poor grammar and incomprehensible sentence structure. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a dog in this fight, but an "epic take down" that wasn't.

  27. This is the blog that welcomes all opinions . We all have to live with the truth. Be honest, it doesn't look good for certain folks. Wish it was different.

  28. It means white trash. Same as black trash. Same as brown trash. Same as yellow trash. All trash is nigs!


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