Kansas City Public Schools On The R.I.S.E.

In the early morning hours before dawn we want to highlight this important bit of local moviemaking on behalf of Kansas City Public Schools.

Without question it's inspiring and heartfelt and backed by a really great tune. Furthermore, despite a myriad of setbacks, at the end (or beginning) of the day . . . We really hope it all holds true.

Take a look:

Video statement:

"Thank you to all the KCPS staff, students, parents and partners for participating in KCPS RISE! A special thank you to the Kansas City community for opening your doors and allowing KCPS to Reconnect, Inspire, Support and Engage with you! Visit kcpublicschool.org"

There are a lot of reasons to be cynical here but in the early morning hours of Kansas City's most important day in years - We'll stipulate that the education of future generations requires suspension of disbelief for just a brief moment in order to find hope along an otherwise arduous path.

With any luck, we'll have even more discussion, debate, discourse and other good stuff a bit later in the morning: STAY TUNED!!!


  1. Interesting that the video has nothing about schools, education, classrooms. Looks like they copied the idea from the Hernandez and the city on ch. 2.

  2. The whole town is beginning to resemble a movie set consisting of nothing but PR events and social media.
    Not much behind the curtain!

  3. Fix that link to kcpublicschool.org. It takes you to some posh private school in India!!!! Which I would much rather have my children attend, if the transportation cost were not prohibitive.


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