Help Catch This Serial Kansas City Bank Robber And Fan Of Baseball History

Take a look at this baseball fan bank robber who has authorities crying foul . . .

KMBC: The FBI asked the public to help identify a man wanted in connection with three bank robberies in Kansas City earlier this year.

The disguise is pretty good so it'll be hard to make an ID . . . However, it does serve to remind that Fall fashion season is quickly approaching and it's time to break out the hoodies.

Developing . . .


  1. An annonymous Ferguson cop8/14/14, 4:09 PM

    Did anyone check the Negro Leagues Musuem souvenir shop?

  2. I'm guessing he'll be at the Plaza fountain, candle in hand tonight around 7:00. Maybe the po-po can talk to him then?

  3. If Obama had a son...

  4. I'd know that hoodie anywhere... it's Trayvon Martin.

  5. "Hoodie" is code for "Shoot Me".

  6. We know he is Amish. Did anyone get the tag number of his buggy?

  7. snoop dog..

  8. Shoot that piece of worthless shit.. O, upon sentencing, he will say, " I was just trying to feed my 15 kids". The judge/jury will feel bad and sentence him to 1 year of probation

  9. hey look a nigger will he raise his hands?

  10. Mary Sanchez "Star Bitch Ho"8/15/14, 12:21 AM

    HEY!!! thats ma boi! cum on daddy i waitin wif my latina nigga owned booty fo you! BREED me me daddy!

  11. Naw don't ever call the cops for anything, its what "they" wanted was lawlessness, Bank Robberies, looting, car jackings, driveby shootings, purse snatchings Rapes, let "them" have what they want, lawlessness - the police are badd always badd, "they" can handle everything themselves, Police get a call from now on,, they won't even bother to show, whats the point, "they" can handle everything themselves !!
    I know if I should ever see anyone in trouble in Kansas City, they are on their own, Why call the police, far as I'm concerened, they can bleed or die in the street, like Icare, let the Cell phone public morons who like to stand around and take pictures, do just that - take pictures and stand there acting clueless - its what they do best these days !!!

  12. At least he's not wearing one of those stupid flat-brim hats that all the other aspiring rap stars wear.


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