Show-Me The Missouri Sound Cannon

Newspaper tech report: 'Sound cannon' makes its debut on Missouri highways

Remember we linked this far more informative and tech-y description of the audio tech a couple of months ago from The Verge: Missouri will fire deafening 'sound cannons' at drivers to deter work zone speeding


  1. If you have any doubt that Missouri is a backward, hillbilly hellhole, this development should erase it.

    Coming soon: Mo legislature authorizes teachers to use electric cattle prods on unruly kids, tasers on those 16 or older.

  2. Are you enjoying your police state?5/31/14, 8:01 AM

    I can't wait until one of these makes a driver swerve into another car out of shock and fear... gonna be some nice lawsuits down the line!!

  3. First time and out of stater has a wreck or hearing problem they are gonna own a nice chunk of Misshoraas ass

  4. A nice 27-car pileup due to a driver traveling three miles-per-hour over the limit who is startled into a near coronary (and thus bouncing off of other cars like a pinball hitting the bumpers) by this device should end this latest Big Brother noisemaker bullshit.

    Speaking of your tax dollars being used against you by your government...

    Anyone remember the speakers set up at Waco, Tx? For almost two months, loud speakers played sounds of rabbits being slaughtered, the sound of a dentists drill, etc., in a failed PSYOPS attempt to make the innocents surrender to Big Brother. When that didn't work, they started a fire and shot anyone trying to escape. Then they bulldozed the building to destroy the bodies and the forensic evidence of this mass murder by the Clintons and their bloodthirsty NAZI fiend Janet Reno.

    Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum:

  5. Barry Soetoro, Indonesian Citizen, FRAUD5/31/14, 11:54 AM

    What do you expect in a Police State run by President Buttfuck WhoSayin' YoMama?

  6. Set one up at Troost and 39th Street and let 'er rip!


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