Blame State Of Kansas On Gov. Brownback

Here's an EXCELLENT read on the current state of affairs in Kansas that notes the cultural shift but an economy that's STILL SLUGGISH despite a reactionary tax strategy. Check it:

New York Times: Brownback Leads Kansas in Sharp Right Turn


  1. Basically a puff piece for Sam the Scam. And no mention of the Legislature's efforts to discriminate on the basis of Christianists' bigottry

  2. He's doing exactly what the Koch brothers want him to do. He will be re-elected in a landslide by the low-information voters of this state.

  3. Meanwhile, the state is dying.

  4. Brownback and the Christian bigot, extreme-right legislature are doing an excellent job of turning Kansas into the American version of Afghanistan, a land of mostly poor and badly educated gun-toting people in thrall to an intolerant and murderous religion. A place where women are considered too inferior to make their own decisions about their own bodies. A place where marriage remains a function of church as much as state, with all the intolerance that implies. A place where you can be murdered in church for not being the kind of Christian the wingnuts prefer.

    Brownback crows about Kansas employment levels. He neglects to mention that most Kansas jobs are at places like Walmart and Sonic, and that most Kansans get substandard wages and few if any benefits like medical and realistic retirement plans.

    He also neglects to mention that he and his crackpot friends in the legislature have redefined poverty so that poor Kansans can use Medicaid only if they are so poor that they sleep under cars and can't even afford to eat cat food.

    Yes, Brownback and the ruling lunatic fringe do get a lot of publicity nationwide. Americans everywhere marvel at the backwardness and repression that prevails here. It reinforces the notion that Kansas is a state you drive through as fast as possible, if you have to go there are all, and with the windows up and the doors locked.

  5. If Kansas is sluggish what do you call Missouri, a wake? I sure as hell haven't noticed folks kicking the doors down to move their families and businesses to redneck heaven

  6. The voters in Kansas are not "low-information". They are "low-intelligence".

  7. least they vote

  8. Yes. I mean you.

  9. 10:39 That is the problem-they vote. They are too stupid to vote. There should be a test to vote. And I'm not talking Jim Crowe stuff either. First question: Did Iraq have anything to do with 9/11? If you answer "yes" you are not allowed to vote.

  10. 8:18 I'm all for a test to vote! How about also allowing only property owners to vote. That way, all the sleazy apartment dwellers expecting free handouts can't vote for their free Gimmies anymore!!


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