Obligatory Mizzou Grad Marina "Spoiled" Shifrin Quitting Media Job While Dancing Horribly Clip

Sorry, but a recent viral video with a bit of a local connection didn't do much for me because . . .

- It's a 1st World and corporate white lady problem that most would love to have given the disappearing jobs in media and most other places.

- Seems like a marketing stunt.

- She's a horrible dancer

Judge for yourself but this one seemed like quit a bit of MSM manipulation in play in order to create a story that's all to common with a stunt that isn't that creative.

An Interpretive Dance For My Boss Set To Kanye West's Gone

Quitting In The Age Of News Aggregation

This May Be The Coolest Way Ever To Quit Your Job


  1. Marvin Pontiac9/30/13, 5:50 PM

    This mudshark just sent a nice warning to a any future employers.
    20 million Taiwanese say..."Rots uh Ruck!!"

  2. Thanks now I know not to hire and invest in this Gen Y nitwit.

    Good public service post for those who pay their checks.

  3. Bye bye baby! Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

  4. No doubt mommy and daddy will take her back.

  5. what a twit. please put the word out that nobody should hire her.

  6. About what I would expect from a MU grad

  7. Jim Bohannon's Unvarnished Truth9/30/13, 6:46 PM

    Don't imagine this would be a popular video if this broad was fat...therefore, 15 minutes of fame for this twat for being mildly fuckable...then, ADIOS!

  8. I wouldn't lick her pussy,bitch.

  9. The dancing was horrible but good for her for leaving. There's like a billion white women named and she looks like most of them. Therefore, this will never hurt her. It was something fun and a cool way to tell your boss to suck it. Can't blame her.

  10. I'd fuck her in the ass and then cum all over her face.

    1. I would do that,but that's it.

  11. Let me guess she wants a job that doesn't interfere with her social life.

  12. SpasticDancer9/30/13, 8:53 PM

    While exiting, after she turned the lights out, she fell down the stairs and ended up suing her employer!

  13. L-O-L on that!

  14. For once, I agree with TKC: Pathetically bad dancer.

  15. Maybe a 2 week notice would be better.

  16. Lots of violence against women here. You know everything you say here can be traced.


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