Here's just a bit of Sunday good news as one of the best elected officials in Kansas City continues his public service career.

MO House Rep. Brandon Ellington has been an EXCELLENT advocate for his district and worked to create partnerships across party and demographic lines . . .

For the following reasons and so many more . . . Rep. Brandon Ellington remains one of the best and brightest elected officials on the East Side and throughout Kansas City.

Here's a quick summary of his reelection campaign and we hope to have more news about the effort in the near future . . .

"2012 and this year 2013 Rep.Brandon Ellington showed Missourians that in electing him to represent not only the 22nd district but all..He drafted bills for those society has chosen to ignore or throw away. He stood up for seniors, education and worked across party lines but regardless of everything he was there when you needed are asked him. Rep.Ellington started "Mo More Excuses Neighborhood Coalition" along with "No More Excuses Communiversity". Rep.Ellington works 24/7 to inform his dustrict along with anyone willing to learn. Team Ellington boots are on the ground and We The People will be working harder to reassure that Rep.Ellington retains his seat,we need your help, it takes money to run a campaign we all know this dig deep into your pockets, donate to the Rep.Ellington re election. There are No More Excuses - you can learn more@ www.electellington.com...."

The image is a Rep.Brandon Ellington~ "Believe In Change history in the making" poster that is signed for supporters. Click the link to learn more . . . Developing . . .


  1. As long as he isn't associated with fraud Rizzo, he is probably ok

  2. At least the damage done is barely noticeable.

  3. Did he get one bill passed?

  4. Who edited this? "Drifted" bills? And the poster...please, invoke all you'd like, but that looks like something my high schools would create as an example of pathos in advertising. In other words, they would even get it's dumb as shit.

    1. Lol you guys shared the same editior " my high schools" pot calling the kettle black.

  5. He is a black man and there for he is a great man

  6. Has the murder rate gone down, economic conditions improved, or out of wedlock births decreased for black community since he was elected?

  7. Can anyone here spell hubris?

  8. A rational person looking at the campaign poster might reasonably wonder about the mental health status of Mr. Ellington.
    Is it not an obvious attempt to persuade voters that Mr. Ellington is to be viewed among the ranks of President Obama, MLK, and Malcolm X ?
    Is this political trickery not only extremely offensive and presumptuous, but an indication that Mr. Ellington is in politics for the wrong reasons?

  9. That is the most racist re-election ad I have ever seen! On the other hand, it's ok cause Ellington is a nigger and they can do that..

  10. Doc, I question if Barack Obama belongs in the company of MLK or Malcolm X

  11. Brandon is an EXCELLENT leader in KCMO and I wish there were more like him. Ignore the haters Brandon. Keep doing good work!

  12. Note to B.Ellington:

    Malcolm X = murdered

    MLK = murdered

    Obama = homosexual, drug-abuser, Cook County criminal upbringing, pathological liar, etc.

    May want to choose a new theme for your next poster.

  13. James Benton9/29/13, 6:03 PM

    This is not Brandon Ellington campaign ad, it is for raising funds. I just spoke with Rep.Ellington this afternoon at an event and I told him about the racists comments written about the photo, he laughed and said it was created by a good friend to help his campaign raise funds. I admire Rep.Ellington, he inspires many in and outside of his community.

  14. Damn it, he left out Rush Limbaugh ,that would have satisfied us closet racists that hide behind anonymous postings.

  15. Which one is Jermaine?

  16. 6:03 comment

    "This is not a Brandon Ellington campaign ad, it is for raising funds."

    You're funny! Actually, hilarious!
    Perhaps a political strategist? A "brain-trust" gone bankrupt?

  17. This isn't the last KC free anonymous speech zone? Some of us are just wondering if he's begun to pay his child support payments now that he's begun comparing himself to national leaders. That's not hatred nor is it racist but the hyper racial sensitivity of his sycophant supporters would indicate that he has little to offer in the way of hope or change or anything that stands a chance of becoming meaningful for his constituents. More of the same, sadly, for a swath of people too easily led by race and ego.

  18. Anon 10:16, I like the poster & would like to have one. I'll check into it & see if they have one for me.

    When he ran for City Council, I used some of your tax dollars (or some of MY disability benefits, depending on whether you're a Democrat or a Rethuglican) to make a financial contribution to his campaign. I knew that you would appreciate it.

    Brandon is a good man who hasn't been purchased by the developers or the NRA.

  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mScdJURKGWM

  20. The only good news here is he's not running for city council. Although he'd fit right in.

  21. As long as your black Ellington will go above and beyond to represent. Women and LGBT an entirely different story. Take a good look at who surrounds him. They are mostly racists and homophobes. Take a real look at what he fights for. Seems he forgets he also has white and gay people in his district. According to him and his entourage you would think there were nothing but blacks in his district.

  22. Damn Tony pitching another loser? Ain't it bad enough you blather on about Boner, Glazed and Zo? You gotta keep adding rejects to the pile of crap?

  23. Roach needs to stop making comments on FB and take a long vacation until after the election. A mother needs to lay low when her son is involved in politics.

  24. Anybody that stoops to talking about a grown man's mom is most likely to fuck his own.

  25. Posters 11x17 $100 donation
    Photos all framed
    11x14 $100
    8x10. $50
    5x7. $30

  26. As a man who fucks his own mother, advice Roach Ellington is to stay out of the crossfire of criticism that is going on about her. Now about the relationship between me and my mother.. I really never fucked my mother


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