Witness Perfect Village Standees Protest!!!

All is not well in the most perfect part of The Golden Ghetto . . .


A bit of documentation from the protestor's perspective:

Read The Standees Protest Flier In Full

Developing . . .


  1. Pick up the pace, T. At this rate, you'll have to post at least five or six more "stories" before Glazer's crap gets bumped to page two.

  2. See http://pressreleases.kcstar.com/release/messages/27769/

  3. Fuck the union propaganda.

  4. Unions Are A Cancer4/16/13, 1:12 PM

    Union terrorists attack Standees.

  5. Carpenters local 1127 can suck my dick. New world, jagoffs. It's called competition in the free market economy. Sooner or later robots will be framing houses and hanging sheetrock. Time for a career change.

  6. The Union Motto4/16/13, 1:24 PM

    Carpenters Local 1127:

    Someone OWES us a living.

  7. Enjoy working at Wal Mart assholes.

  8. Fucking babies looks like everyone working their ass off on this place except the ones bitching when I drove by.

  9. 1:22 doesn't know what "free market" means.

    Hint, hint: it means workers are free to associate and assemble as they please, as codified in both our national and state constitutions, and that their negotiations with employers should be free from government interference, i.e. "right to work" laws "paycheck protection" laws, anti-strike laws, etc.

    In a "free market", workers are free, too.

    You shill.

  10. Kansas is a right to work state so SHUT THE FUCK UP

    So it's my right to work where I want to asswipe

  11. That's not a "new world", moron, that the old one, the one that failed. It was called serfdom.

  12. That's not a "new world", moron, that the old one, the one that failed. It was called serfdom.

  13. I have one of the best and generous benefit packages offered by any employer in the city. My employer does NOT pay ALL my health benefits - I pay a portion of my family's health insurance. This is only fair because it keeps costs under control, and keeps me interested in lowering the frequency of visits and seeking out the most affordable care.

    Those workers need to VOTE OUT the fat and sassy union so-called-leaders. Jobs are being lost because the leaders promise and demand more than is reasonable, then pretend to be outraged when other non-union workers step in and do the work.

  14. Those are the thugs you democracy-haters are so scared of? Two people holding up a sign?

    Jesus, you right wingers are pussies.

    Nothing says socialist thug like a small peaceful demonstration...

    Merica! Goddamnit.

  15. 2:33 Congratulations, you're lucky to have a good job. Most of the population isn't so lucky, so hope you don't lose what you've got.

  16. Unions are the anus of the Socialist monster.

  17. i just wanna know when the damn place is finished and open so i can enjoy the fruits of their labor! heh....

  18. I think I saw these guys at 107th ad Holmes protesting Teva Neuroscience.

  19. hahaha!!!!fuck you all!!!! Hahahahahaha!!!!

  20. Hey, it's Kansas. Go back to Missery.

  21. Local 1127:

    Fuck Off

  22. CRY BABIES!!!

  23. 5:37 Kind of hard to have a good putdown when you can't spell worth shit. I'll assume you are a product of Kansas schools, so you think the earth is flat and about 8,000 years old? And just so you can wipe that confused, slack-jawed look off your face, it's spelled misery.

  24. Poor little babies there. Crying that the poor Union, is trying to get business to do the right thing. Poor little business is getting too many of those crybaby subsidies, and wanting "you" to pay more so they can make even more money so he can give some to the charities that help poor people. Yeah right, poor little crybabies, when the next business refuses to let you have a payraise, cry on down at the corner bar, but wait, the corner bar will have closed because they won't have enough paying customers... think of it as KARMA ashats.

  25. fuck a union4/16/13, 9:13 PM

    233 its not matter of how many be it 2 or 200. The point is they are trying to bully their way into a job. Anyone but a union pulled their tactics, they would be charged with extortion through intimidation. Unions are dying out, at least in the private sector. You should have been a gubmint worker, they will be around with the cockroaches long after we are gone....Good luck joining the real world work force. You'll probably want to look into sssi, or something.

    Oh,I almost forgot....Eat a sack of dicks you Union prick.

  26. Yeah, enjoy your weekends, 40 hour weeks, overtime pay, health care, etc. etc., and then call the unions that fought to give them to you a bunch of pricks. Fucking ingrate prick. Move to India or China, so you can be union free, and good luck in the "free" market.

  27. Yep, nothing says "bully" like excercising your right to free speech, free association and peaceable assembly.

    Of course, this country was founded on those principals, and the rights we have were largely fought for and established by organized workers and unions, and the weakness of unions has crippled the middle class and is ushering this country into the 3rd world, and everywhere in the first world has strong unions and prosperity, but don't pay attention to facts, right wing radio regurgitation is the order of the day.

  28. I always look for the union label.. if found, I drop the piece of crap and walk out of the store.
    REAL Americans NEVER buy union.


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