Recently, we discussed a bit of Kansas City poetry on this blog in a rare moment of cultural consideration . . . I know it was rough but the fact that I can get some of you d-bags to even consider poetry is kind of a win for TKC.
Anyhoo, here's a refresher on the poetry we talked about over the weekend . . .
The Art of Words - Natasha Ria El-Scari - Pussy Letter to My Daughter.
To wit . . .
Accordingly, this is the thanks I get for trying to bit of culture to this dump . . . Sniffle.
So, was the point of your post and its condescending title "KANSAS CITY LADY PARTS POETRY!!!" an attempt to put a beautiful, talented lady up to ridicule in front of your uneducated, ignorant, racist, sexist, scumbag audience? I didn't know your sleazy site even existed until someone wrote about the horrifying things your audience said about Natasha Ria El Scari.
Way to have an open forum for lowlifes to insult talented artists who are putting themselves out there and doing their own thing. Actually something purposeful that helps and entertains other people. But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
My response:
Free Speech is a tough thing but it's necessary to maintain our Democracy.
I simply used the "Lady Parts" tag to avoid vulgarity . . . I don't think I was being condescending but admittedly the poetry wasn't my style.
Sorry you didn't like the post.
And then . . .
Sure, Tony.
From what I've been reading, I think most people, aside from the racist, sexist, ignorant unemployed ones, can see right through you.
She's not that bad, I've seen worse.
ReplyDeleteWell is that so? Damn must suck to be her.
ReplyDeleteStick around Lori we will intro you to Byron, you two sound like a match.
ReplyDeleteObviously her sex buddy.
ReplyDeleteTony, tell her to blow you.
ReplyDeleteStill sucks.
ReplyDelete"...a beautiful, talented lady..."
Can we reprise it with an ode to the smegmated ivansion of the foreskin cheese on a hot August day?
ReplyDeletelolz Superdave
ReplyDeleteJust call it what it is- worthless crap!
ReplyDeleteAaaaahahahahhahahaha!!!!! Lori you suck! Now come suck my dick!!!!!
ReplyDelete"...your uneducated, ignorant, racist, sexist, scumbag audience..."
ReplyDelete"I didn't know your sleazy site even existed until someone wrote about the horrifying things your audience said about Natasha Ria El Scari."
What's horrifying is Natasha Ria El Scari and her Nasty Reeking El Scary giant cave of woe "Poetry".
Does Lori's breath smell like a wharf net?
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Lori and the other offended parties have ever attacked African American rappers for THEIR use of the N word and their mysoginist lyrics
ReplyDeleteLori's obviously a douche nozzle.
ReplyDeleteWell, if she is a douche nozzle... she should help her friend out and hook herself up to a big bag of water and vinegar, then dive right on in.
ReplyDeleteFlaps, not fresh, but fresher than a gutting table
Nozzled deeply, releasing the detritus once bound
Depths unknown, unwanted, released like a pox the effluent fills your boots
It's Art! they cried as the yeast came into bloom like cottage cheese possessed by demons from Hell
It's Art! they screamed as the CDC approached with flamethrowers and an isolation chamber
It's Art!
ReplyDeletelolz "Lori, the angry mail bag."
It sounds like she may have knowledge of where the 15K went.
ReplyDeleteLori get over it! gee what a whinner
ReplyDeleteI was really fucked up and Lori had me nearly ready to cum with her very talented tongue, when I thunk this name up for myselfs!
ReplyDeleteNatasha Ria El Scari just likes Lori because Lori has no problem going down on her during full-on bloody lady-time.
ReplyDeleteBetter STFU or Natasha Ria El Scari will fuckin quit just like Jambalanidoowop LaFall.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are ruthless and cruel but also really funny tonight. Lol!
ReplyDeleteTony you should have used the term: "Twat Music, or "Cooter Meter." You fucking male scum.
ReplyDeleteI suspect we pissed off Lori & some other folks with our honest criticism of some raunchy poetry. Poor lady, I still think Clarence Carter is way more entertaining than this pussy letter to my daughter poetry.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I am racist, sexist or ignorant and I have a job, but I can't see right through you, Tony....I feel left out now. Damn.
ReplyDeleteTo have issued forth from that gape would be enough to fuck the kid up for life, and now you babble about it in public - she's likely to hang herself now.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it will be a public hanging in a stupid uptown art bar that needs some Lysol® spray and body condoms to enter.
ReplyDeleteThank God MLK made it possible, nearly required these days, for us to enjoy this kind of culture. It is certainly a high-water mark, or perhaps a high water retention mark.
ReplyDeleteI don't think any of us could have lived another day without hearing such twitty babble.
Or is that twatty babble?
Take the kids to see this too: It's like Henrietta Hippo overdosing on chitterlings and hot sauce, then going into a manic dream state in which the old cooch has a last gasp of hope that it will get some kind of attention.
Lori, I sympathize. Free speech often serves the artist more than the critic.
ReplyDeleteBut, in this forum, free speech is abused as an excuse to say whatever racist, vulgar thing comes to mind.
To these people poetry is some ivory tower thing only worthy of English majors, they don't think blacks are capable of what they would call poetry.
They call your poetry vulgar, but they see their vulgar comments as clever.
How many buckets of chicken does it take to come up with that kind of artistry, let alone the bunions and fallen arches?
ReplyDeleteHey, bitch! I'm employed.
ReplyDeleteI twitched when he read it.
ReplyDeleteNo, really...
Byron free speech allows me to say you're the biggest racist in here.
ReplyDeleteYou been running around trash talking about people again?
For those of you that might not know this Byron goes to other sites and trash talks about you all.
Lori you ignorant slut Tony is more real than anything you can ever dream of being. Oh and I have a job thank you which is more than your racist government cheese sucking boyfriend Byron has.
Tony, by way of this video, has discovered the cure for priapism!
ReplyDeleteNatasha! damn girlfriend why you gotta be talking about that nasty ass pussy of yours? Shit bitch how many years it been since you could see it? Maybe that blind ass Byron might try and tap that shit but no man who can see your shit is going to want to get near as that white boy said wharf net smelling thing.
ReplyDeleteWell maybe Glazer might do it as well, he real kinky, he likes that big scented booty sometimes.
Whomever told Lori that she wasn't a cunt, just simply lied to her. On top of that, she's a no-talent cunt...
ReplyDeleteLori and byron your hands you do wring.
ReplyDeleteByron and lori, the same ode you both sing.
Who'll save the women, the gays, and the blacks?
Sure wont be byron or lori, who are both fuckin hacks.
Perchance you could meet, seems a match made in hell.
And take that fat black poet with you, Im sure her magic pussy is starting to smell.
I'm not big on poetry, but she sure nailed it on the head regarding the bigots and lowlifes on this site. Superdope, Chuck 'N Buck, and N-word guy, she's talking about you assholes.
ReplyDeleteWho is this Natasha Ria El-Scari? I like the cut of her jib.
Don't believe her when she says, "It tastes just like chicken."
ReplyDeleteKudos to TKC for defending free speech and affording Lori a chance to respond.
ReplyDeleteNonetheless, Lori is unrealistic in not expecting a negative reaction to a large woman talking about her pussy at a public forum. Would Lori defend an obese man discussing his a-hole in glowing terms, or would that be crossing the line? What about someone ranting about their orgasm while masturbating on stage (performance art)?
exactly, 10:40! Also, Lori states that Tony posted the video to hold the poet up to ridicule. SHE PERFORMED THE POEM IN A PUBLIC SPACE IN AN AGE WHERE EVERYONE HAS A VIDEO CAMERA ON THEIR PHONES!As I stated earlier, I don't think any of the offended has ever stated their indignance to black rappers for using the N-word or for their hateful, violent lyrics aimed at women.What hipocrisy!
ReplyDeleteHer comments were primarily about the scumbags that comment on this site, and I felt they were pretty accurate. I don't think Tony was all that disrespectful directly, but he does encourage disrespect towards women and African Americans, with his race-baiting and misogynistic postings. Read the comments on a lot of these posts, including the original TKC post, and you'll see that she is pretty spot on, both about Tony being a provocateur and about the lowlifes that comment here.
ReplyDeleteWhat you read here in comments reflects much more of the real thinking of many Americans - unedited for the most part by the blog owner.
ReplyDeleteIf that throws a wet blanket on your PC "progressive" agenda and casts a different light than the lamestream media formulates for your collectivist comfort and socialist indoctrination, well then boo-fucking-hoo.
This has got to be the last place in KC that has free speech!
ReplyDeleteTry commenting at the KC Commie Star on one of the loads of shit that Yeal shovels regularly. Real criticism is deleted.
ReplyDeleteSame with St. Mary of the Dirty Sanchez.
Oh, the argument is that I should respect your 1st amendment rights while you slam this lady for exercising hers? Gotcha. You may not like what she said, but I don't see you arguing the accuracy of it.
ReplyDeleteYou know what? This woman sparked a lot of controversy with her poetry, that is more than most poets can do.
ReplyDeleteSome may not like her work but the video brought her to the center stage and she made people talk. Not all poets can do that. The conversation she started is about free speech. Good for her for taking the heat and staying strong.
Give Tony credit for putting her tripe up here.
ReplyDeleteThis is likely the most exposure (ick - horrifying thought of seeing that cooze) she's had.
The problem for the "poet" is that she performed that RANT in front of a crowd of young white liberal women who have watched too many episodes of Grays Anatomy and were taught to be submissive and to cower to STRONG BLACK WOMENZ! None of these white women and their pussy boyfriends had the balls to laugh in the poets face and walk out!
ReplyDelete8:26 wins comment of the day award
ReplyDeleteFuck you, SuperAsshole.
ReplyDelete+1 Superdave
ReplyDeleteThere seems to be a terminal case of Byronitis Lorisepsis blooming.
Byron see how less stressful your life would be if you satyed away from all KC Blogs
ReplyDeleteByron be mad at Superdave....cause Byron knows he's the SuperAsshole!!!