KCPS Improvement!!! They FINALLY Started Spelling The Word "African" Correctly!!!

I'm normally not a stickler about typos but the moniker of a charter school in flux always confused me. Luckily, Fox4 has a report on upcoming meeting to help make further improvements: "The Kansas City Missouri School District is proceeding with its plan to take control of the former Afrikan Centered Education (ACE) Campus , and is inviting the community to help planning the course of the former charter school. The meetings for what is now called the African-Centered College Preparatory Academy are scheduled for Monday and Tuesday (Evening???) at the Paseo Academy of the Fine and Performing Arts, 4747 Flora Ave."


  1. Sure took a long time to teach those niggers to spell.

  2. Enough with the faux ignorance about Afrikan. Learn something why don't you

  3. niggers be stoooooopid!!!

  4. So why "AfriKan" instead of "AfriCan"?

    Dr. Ani neither uses nor explains the AfriKan spelling.

  5. Lot of job opportunities out there for African centered studies all right.

  6. There is no letter C in the Afrikan alphabet

  7. All hell broke out at the meeting. The ACCE parents were out in full force. Signs with Greene photo was held by many attending, it was wild. Greene & the Board walked out,closing the doors on the students and their parents. Webster, was front & center. ACCE is not going down without a fight.

  8. No, it's always going to be a big fight when responsible folks try to pry the usual suspects' noses out of the public trough. And Grant, Adams, and the rest of the crowd will be buring up the phone lines looking out for themselves and their friends.
    But the east side is emptying out and the folks who are left has less and less interest in supporting the self-appointed leaders and even coming out to vote.
    Maybe the folks at city ahll will finally figure out that all the political threats are as empty as the voting booths on election day.
    Then all that will be left is the same old racial extortion, and that's gotten might thin too.
    Time to bring down the curtain on this sorry show and recognize some new east side leaders who are actually more interested in the community than they are in lining their own pockets.

  9. What about the children? The is a proverb that states "when two elephants fight the grass gets hurt". The children are the grass!

  10. Oh, for Chrissakes ... quit making up "proverbs"!


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