While you love birds are forcing smiles and pretending to have a good time . . .


Just now, Tracy and a cadre of about a dozen close supporters protested at rush hour against the controversial Kansas City stop light enforcement tech.

It was a sweet reminder of Tracy's anti-big-government roots.

Sorry to interrupt the love fest but it's worth nothing that most people in Kansas City not representing a political interest simply hate these camera.


  1. Necessary! Keep on ragin' against that dramatic ol' machine, you rebel, you.

  2. I've never gotten a red light camera ticket. BECAUSE I DON'T RUN RED LIGHTS!

  3. Folks these political elite are going to bleed you dry. They take the E-Tax money and waste it. It does not go for city services. Look at the pot holes, broken water mains, water department people sleeping on the job in their trucks, Rising violent crime, A city hall far removed from the needs of it's citizens, MILLIONS in lawsuits, Cops eating at the most expensive restaurants in town, tif hand outs that lose money.... and the list goes on.
    Don't be fools let's take our City back by having a say where our tax money goes, it's called a democracy. Let the people decide. Let's take Kansas City back. Let's get Kansas City back on track for the citizens. Not just the wealthy and politically connected

  4. Keep the cameras, and just send out warnings. No money involved. Oh, wait - that's what it IS ALL ABOUT - funneling money to the camera operators and to the City coffers without due process.

    But 6:10 is correct, just like the comment in Liar, Liar: "Your client just got arrested for armed robbery? What should he do?" Response: "DON'T BREAK THE FUCKING LAW!"

  5. 6:19pm is right. The city government in KCMO needs to be taken away from the insiders who have done so well with YOUR money for years.
    Unfortunately, the voter turnout on Feb 22 will probably be less than 20% and the sells will be laughing all the way to the bank.
    And whose fault is that?

  6. The eTax does not support the Water Department. It does provide for free trash and bulky pickup, fire and police protection. For those who pay zero eTax, can you afford to start paying for trash pickup?

  7. I read Tracys signs and I just crindge. Sensationalism at best. Im sorry she hasnt a clue. You dont make promises most residents know you cant keep. Reality is difficult.

  8. Without due process? Your caught on video AND you can request a court date.

  9. Yes, you numbskull 6:45, you can request a court date, and without fail you will be found NOT GUILTY after trial because the ordinance is not constitutionally valid. Fuck you. And, by the way, "your" should be spelled, "you're"

  10. Must be Cathy Jolly posting at 6:45

  11. @6:45 No one is caught on video, only a vehicle is caught on video and there in lies the problem and how there is no due process. Ticketing a vehicles owner and not the driver is just a part of the issue here. Kansas City redefining state law (without authority to do so) in order to fit their own financial wants is the other issue here. Missouri defines a failure to stop as a moving violation. There is no legal authority for KC to change the definition to a non-moving violation. The city attorneys drop any cases that try to push for a binding decision on this issue from a state court.

  12. Whiny teabaggers who slept through the Bush years and the Patriot Act but suddenly became Gub'ment-distrusting champions of Civil Liberties on November 4, 2008. Go get em, Ben Franklin cosplayers! You GET those ol' cameras off those traffic lights!

  13. @8:20 Where did all the anti-war left go to on November 4, 2008? Why haven't I seen the left up in arms about the renewal of the Patriot Act several times since the left took control of congress in 2006? It just got renewed today. The anti-war/civil-libertarian right was around before 2008, but the left was too busy admiring themselves in the mirror to notice and media was blacking out any opposing views to the "war on terror" coming from the right, just ask Ron Paul.

  14. 8:20 here. I can't speak for the "Left" or the "Right" because they're not goddamn sports teams where you choose which one you're on.

    However, I'm going to guess that very few people who were anti-war prior to Obama's election became pro-war (or pro-Patriot Act) afterwards.

    Also, there are two reasons that anti-war voices on the "Right" weren't given much exposure: 1. I have to imagine that they were a pretty rare species and 2. anti-war voices were muffled regardless of their source from 9/11 on.

    AND Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Ayn Rand and everybody who idolize them (even those with pink hair) are fighting for corporate rights, whether they realize it or not. Tea partiers need to realize that what they want and what millionaires want are the same damn thing.

    If you think your (fictional) "Out Of Control Government" is bad, wait until you have to deal with out of control big business. They'll literally fuck you to death, AND you can't vote 'em out of office.

  15. Hey look, here's some footage of the soon-to-be Tea Party the day they decided they didn't like the government anymore:

  16. Some of us realize that corporations are in bed with the government and vs. We wouldn't have corporations if it weren't for the government. That's why when some want to reign in on government, they're also pushing back corporations. ATS is profiting from these cameras and so does the government. However, who bought into the ridiculous hype that these cameras were "lifesavers" (as they were sold to the people) and "revenue generators" (how they were sold to the government)? People in government who decided they were a "good idea". Get rid of the cameras, get rid of the corporation. ATS has been packing its bag out of MO so far... let's see if these guys can get them out permanently.

  17. Who cares about the Constitution or the law? The government's job is to keep us safe because most people are too stupid and ignorant to think for themselves and need someone to do it for them. American Traffic Solutions supports them in that mission.....learn the truth about how effective these systems are

  18. Fight the illegal extortion and mail fraud....

  19. Wow with the dysfunctional City Hall and the murder rate in Kansas City this is what people are getting exercised about??

  20. 2/14/11 10:34 PM

    So true!!! I 'm with you on that one.

  21. Tracy Ward brings out the best in Kansas City and the world. I think we need her continuing to bring up the pressing issues of the day (and night).

  22. Hey Tracy, why don't you take the LRP over to the east side and protest all the homicides that are happening. You talk all day about people's civil liberties being taken away, but can you think of a bigger threat to civil liberty than not being able to walk down the sidewalk in certain zip codes without the fear of being shot? Your a selfish f*ck who only gives a shit about what YOU want. Meanwhile, most of this city wants the killings to stop. Get your merry band of cowards over to 39th and Prospect and hold some signs.

  23. I'd LOVE to see her piss in her jeans!!!! Love, love, love to see that!

  24. I'm sorry, I just posted at 7:39 and misspelled you're. wouldn't want that to happen would I?

  25. 5% of the vote, 30% of TKC.

  26. Wow, two hipster douchebags and a fat butterface "politician." Looks like a revolution is brewing.

  27. Tracy Ward seems like the best choice. I'm going to vote for her.

  28. Tony, I know you're infatuated with Ward BUT with all this red light business she's looking more and more like a one-trick pony.


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