For years now, all of the most interesting Kansas City media fights have been on the Internet.

Long ago, there was great smack talk on the radio between local media personalities but corporations quickly learned that fighting isn't good for business. But the local blogosphere is still akin to the Wild West when it comes to media content.

To wit, early this morning Former Star Columnist Hearne Christopher published a scathing "hit post" on Kansas City Public Relations Specialist John Landsberg that seems to imply that Landsberg is authoring nasty comments anonymously online.

TKC Full Disclosure: I think Hearne is a great dude and he pays TKC To Write on KC Confidential AND I've been to several local media events, coffees and lunch with Landsberg who I also consider a friend.

Hearne has been a player in the local media scene for years.

Through Landsberg's effort and insight, Bottom Line Communications has recently established itself as the referee and Statesman of The Kansas City Media Scene.

KC Talk has already declared that "this is just going to be a fun pissing match to watch."

For Landsberg it'll be a chance to prove his PR acumen in dealing with carefully worded allegations.

And Hearne has increased his blogger skill level by not only demonstrating that he can look up an IP address and pick a fight in a blog post.

Meanwhile, I contend that blogger beef is still one of the best things about the Internet in Kansas City and what is now the last remaining free speech zone in this Cowtown.


  1. no sir I don't like it.

  2. egos out of control. same ol' schoolboy crap as in who gets in the last word wins.

    you'd know about that too t.

    john, i hope you have more class than that.

  3. My note to Hearne:
    Hearne, I have no idea why you are so jealous of me, but this is really getting ridiculous.
    Yes, I laughed (and often cringed) when your former co-workers trashed you on your own site. It is obvious you were not very well-liked or respected by them, but that is no great secret.
    However, you saying that you traced my IP address to anything posted is absolute and total bullshit. I never wrote one word on your site.
    In other words, the basis of your entire story and all the quotes you attributed to me are WRONG. I am embarrassed for you.
    A person with class would apologize for this total screw-up and for accusing me wrongly, but I won't hold my breath.
    Honestly, you should be ashamed (if that is possible). Damn.
    I make mistakes on my site and apologize for them. It is your turn.

  4. I don't think that's really Landsberg. He's a better writer than that.

  5. Well, I for one am excited about the pissing match going on between zip codes 66209 and 66208. They told me nothing exciting ever happens in Johnson County.

  6. Wow. Two people I have never heard of complaining about things that nobody cares about.

  7. -increased his blogger skill level by not only demonstrating that he can look up an IP address-

    and demonstrating his ignorance of dynamic IP addressing

  8. Hearne is also deleting comments that disagree with him. He didn't even get the website right. KCForum.net and KCTalk.com are both websites LJ has over 3000 posts on. KCForum.com is a parking site for Microsoft. Maybe Hearnes fact checking and new found tech savvy are overstated in the article.

  9. 9:14 +1,000,000

  10. Since when did KCC start moderating comments? Reminds me of BLC.

  11. Kim Carlos is offering 10 dollars an hour to people who are willing to troll the blogs and comment anonymously on behalf of her lobbying clients.

  12. Its so nice to see a pissing contest I'm not personally involved in.

    Just remember, when two people do that, they both end up smelling of catpiss.

  13. It's a battle of wits and Hearne is unarmed.

  14. 10:17 this is actually true. It is to the piont that pretty much every newsworty organization does it to some degree.

  15. I posted a gem of a comment, compared Hearne and Landsberg to the crips and bloods, made some cracks about soiled dockers and spilled Lattes. I may have thrown in something about southern leewood ethics nannies and prairie village trust fund drunks. It didn't get posted. At least I can still air my tactless comments on TKC.

  16. wow - a genuine bitch fight!

    now if they would both don roller girl garb and have at it on Saturday night...

  17. Tony,

    Since you seem to be new to the internets. I'll toss you a bone...

    Logging an IP addy is so easy and has been going on for years and years.

    Spoofing your IP address is so easy and it has been going on for years.

    It's seems that you and Hearne have Rip Van Winkle syndrome.

    Wake the fuck up and smell the motherboards. You 2 clowns are about 10 years behind and I'm being charitable.

    Btw, I could drive around the city and find an open Wi-Fi connection almost anywhere and make comments all day on this site from multiple IP's belonging to others and fake you the fuck out.

    Just because you have logged an IP address does not mean that the IP address is real. It also doesn't mean that it's the IP addy of whoever posted.

  18. but who the fuck cares is the most important question?

    I think Tony shows the right bit of skepticism.

  19. While everything Mr. Anon at 4:47 says is essentially correct, think about what he wants you to believe. Someone might be spoofing a South Leawood ip address, or perhaps parking in the neighborhood and jumping onto an open wifi network. (there are several in my neighborhood).
    Although from looking at their blogs/web sites, I am sure I can figure out three guys who aren't doing that: Tony, Hearne, and John.


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