Pricey Heart of America Bridge Bike Lane

Yet another project that represents Kansas City's screwed up priorities is underway.

"Work starts this morning on the first bike lane crossing the Missouri River between downtown and North Kansas City. The bike lane will be built on the Heart of America Bridge at a cost of $2.2 million."

In theory this might be a nice idea but in reality this route is mostly traveled by hobos. Sadly, people have been killed while biking on this bridge but it wasn't the kind of middle-class cycling advocate that pushed for this project. Nope, the people I've seen biking this route are mostly doing it during the early morning and a great many of them are wearing tin foil hats. While trying to keep cyclists alive is an honorable goal, I doubt this expensive project will have any effect other than a theoretical bike route for hipsters who might never travel this way.

On the other hand . . . Jenny Hendrix anywhere near a bike makes a convincing argument.


  1. So... you hate bike lanes elsewhere because, as you put it, they benefit only rich white people and hipsters.

    Yet here we have a bike lane that benefits poor people and would actually get used by them often, and you hate it too.

  2. Tony to you drive to the end of the driveway to get the mail? Lazy assed stink-wad.

  3. The word "hobo" makes me laugh. Thank you Tony for brightening my morning.

    ps--I know I shouldn't laugh at the word hobo but I can't help it.

  4. Tony needs to get a Spanish to English dictionary printed sometime after 1945.

  5. as bicycle season nears i'd like to remind tkc readers that i will run you off the road or worse if you get in my way on your homocycle. stay on the fucking sidewalk faggots.

  6. Another fail in the Obama administration is to make policy decisions equal for bicyclists and walkers as motored transport.

    Your guy Tony just sold you out. You should be pissed!

    If you're on a bike and I get squeezed by real traffic you will find yourself on your ass. Simple as that. A little skin or Lycra on my fender doesn't require an insurance filing.


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