Jeff Roe's Source Blog Still Going After Congressman Cleaver For Being Spit On

It's a lesson in politics to see Jeff Roe's blog try and make a story out of refuting the spitting incident involving Cleaver that just isn't getting off the ground . . . Cleaver is secure in his District, his story about the spitting is largely accepted and calling the Congressman a liar about it kinda seems mean-spirited, petty and unconvincing . . . Or "Teaparty-ish."


  1. Funny how when a white guy calls someone on a lie, it "seems mean-spirited, petty and unconvincing." But when TKC does it, that person is a lier!!! Double standard Tony!

  2. The Tea Partiers are not my kind of group since I'm not a conservative or a republican. But I have seen just as much mean-spiritedness, pettiness and unconvincing rhetoric out of the dems in Washington over the past year as I've seen from the opposite extreme. Same difference?

  3. Watch the TV interview with Cleaver. I would be so easy and appropriate for him to say "The man did spit on me, and I am so sorry for him." Yet he would not address it at all.

    It is obvious he relishes in being legendary for an insult that did not happen. Typical inner city politics - being a professional victim.

  4. He was really terrible in the Interview. Not convincing, when he won't even talk about it.

  5. Is this the same cleaver that ran the carwash?

  6. next time I'll throe some caca!

  7. The only people who think Cleaver is not a liar are the same ones who think Obama will pay off their house and put gas in their cars.

    Good thing for Cleaver is that many of those people live in his District.


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