I know for a fact that Kansas City GOP Political Machiavelli Jeff Roe strikes fear into the hearts of Kansas City politicos because so many people are whispering rumors about his recent polling but are scared to death they'll be discovered as a leak.

Throughout the week people have been talking about the results of this poll vs. that poll and what it means for the upcoming election. Meanwhile I'm much more interested in the ladies of "Mad Men" showing more skin than early 1960's costumes allow. Whatever the case, the numbers that Jeff Roe has compiled have kicked Mayoral rumors, fear-mongering and chatter into high gear . . . In a big way.

I've compiled a short list of CHATTER that I've heard from more than a few sources who fear Jeff Roe numbers.

  • The alleged "Jeff Roe Slate" is backed up by some numbers that indicate the Northland is going to grow even more reactionary and disconnected from the rest of Kansas City. We all know that Council folk Skaggs and Hermann will leave vacancies but look for a SERIOUS fight for Council Dude Russ Johnson's office.

  • Interesting: Mayor Funky Beats Mike Burke in a poll? That a bit of gossip that keeps going round. Mind you, these seem to be Northland numbers and just might be good news before a single political ad has appeared on TV.

  • JEFF ROE (ALLEGEDLY) FINDS SERIOUS NEGATIVE PUBLIC PERCEPTION OF GLORIA SQUITIRO!!! Contradictory info I know, but the rumor belongs here and might be backed up by a bit of action considering that Mayor Funky has seemingly thrown his smudge stick wife under the bus to even have a chance and making the primary in the next election.

  • In any event, while Jeff Roe numbers don't reveal many surprises, they still strike fear in the heart of most local Democrats and that's what makes them fun . . . And they are this week's inspiration for a playlist.

    As always, thank you for reading this week and have a fun and safe weekend.


    1. Funk wins? Whatever.

    2. The Squid HAS been MUZZLED!!!

      Long live Jeff Roe!

    3. Squid we hardly knew ye :) Tony, I thought you were confident that Kansas City would be facing THE RETURN OF THE SQUID? What gives, Blogger King?

    4. She has been in City Hall T. I sent you that tip and you ran it. She was on Darla's show. Just you wait T.

      They are getting her desk ready.

    5. Roe has relegated Squid to the kitchen in Brookside. She wants to come back to the Hall, but Jeff says "no" and Funk is listening to Jeff for a change. It's said to be killing the Squid, but she is powerless to do anything... lucky for us!

    6. I have ran campaigns in kc. I can get you polling numbers that say Gloria is "beautiful." Polling numbers can mean literally anything you want them to mean. Funkhouser's negatives must be 60 or 70 percent, traditionally a candidate cannot survive negative ratings in excess of 53 or 55%...he's passed that and there has not been a single ad other than his administration. TKC I promise he is gone...if anybody runs a semi-decent campaign.

    7. Semi-decent campaign? That is the problem. Campaign managers are in it for the money, so they do not run decent campaigns.

      Chris Moreno is the only local campaign consultant that I can think of who is not completely driven by the money, and that is why he runs great campaigns.

    8. 11:55 I don't know about moreno but your point that he is not driven by money is probably right on as to why he is successful. like candidates we need to find people who are concerned and competent.

    9. Save Us Chris1/31/10, 12:30 PM

      Well "concerned and competent" rules out Kim Carlos, Pat O'Neill and Diana Kander, so unless Moreno takes over a campaign I think we are looking at Funkhouser Term 2.

    10. inafunkaboutthefunk1/31/10, 12:56 PM

      For certain Big Jeff Roe recognizes how hurtful to the Funk the Squid has been. As pointed out above, and to the surprise of many, the Feckless Funk is listening to Big Jeff Roe. It's amazing to watch!

    11. The political story of this region over the next two years will be the collision of Jeff Roe and Chris Moreno. First over the Missouri House of Representatives, and then over Kansas City government. Who will win?

    12. Don't be fooled1/31/10, 1:58 PM

      Let's get a few things straight about Chris Moreno.

      First, Chris Moreno made a name for himself by losing a state representative race.

      Second, around the time he was losing that state rep race he was getting his live-in girlfriend preggers, so they had to get married under the Catholic-Hispanic code. (Ever heard of birth control moron?)

      Third, his only experience making a living in the private sector was managing a cell phone store.

      Fourth, Moreno was responsible for turning out Kansas City votes for Jay Nixon at a time when the Obama campaign was doing that for him. If you think back to 2008, there were signs of the Obama campaign everywhere and nothing for Nixon.

      Fifth, Chris Moreno has been acting like a total ass trying to push money toward female candidates that he has the hots for while treating a highly qualified but very married candidate named Chyanne Lockhart Cardarella in an abusive manner.

      Sixth, Moreno's efforts to force a good Democrat like Ms. Cardarella may have already broken the law against political payoffs, which will only serve to embarrass the entire Democratic ticket if a complaint really is filed. The records and the communications of the state and county Democratic Party will be seized thanks to Moreno thinking that he can act like Tom Pendergast just because Chris surpassed Tom in gross tonnage sometime around the younger man's 12th birthday.

      Therefore, the best thing that Big (smelly butt) Jeff Roe has going for him is a walking bag of embarrassment called Chris Moreno.

    13. Seventh, Moreno could have had a plum job in the Nixon administration but he fucked himself over by talking about it before the governor was ready to make the appointment. So he got banished to the House Democrat Campaign Committee where state reps are afraid to send contributors because they know that Chris will waste the money.


    14. I really do not believe that Chris is being bad to the Cardarella chick. I think that is all made up.

    15. I think its time that someone provides some proof that Chris Moreno has been anything other than a gentleman to Mrs. Carderella.

    16. Chris Moreno has been flashing cash around Independence, Blue Springs and Lee's Summit looking for political friends. Sounds like bribery and money laundering who is telling the story.

    17. 3:22 That is a serious charge. You should provide more detail or shut the hell up!

    18. oh bullsheet.

    19. It is not bullshit. They should leave Chyanne alone. Stop it Moreno. Stop it!

    20. I see Chris has been working this BLOG trying to create the hype that he is anything other than a short, fat irrelevant self-promoter. I actually AM someone who has run and won campaigns, unlike Chris, I can tell you with certainty, if he is anyone's "hope" in the game of politics, then they have none.

    21. It sounds like Chris is really doing something right, if he has Jeff Roe and his lackies blogging on a sunday. Good job Chris !!

    22. Has Jeff Roe ever won a race when the numbers weren't already in his favor? I mean the guy even lost to Clay Chastain.

    23. Chris has been badmouthing too many Dems around town; including, Cardarella's primary opponent Robbie Makinen and Senator Victor Callahan. He says the Democrats need more candidates "of color" from Raytown to Blue Springs. He says its necessary for equality.

      Chyanne will win this and Chris Moreno will be fired before September 1.

      Go to Hell Jeff Roe!

    24. 7:22 is drunk.

    25. you shitty hall people need to STFU and do your jobs. Your egos and preoccupation with office politics tells me that the mayor should have come through with a broom.

      Are you all protected by some civil service statute? If so, stfu, stay out of politics and do your jobs. That's what the people of KCMO pay you to do.

      Not all this bullshit trying to reduce the ability of elected people to do what they were elected to do. Which is set policy and lead the direction of the city.

      If you don't like that, run for council. or else do your job. If that's not acceptable, then go out into the cold world of private enterprise and take your chances.

      When I was a reporter, well I remember you all entrenched bureaucrats in another market. you're all the same. Egos too big, not as much power as you think you deserve, but trade govt job security ratjer than the risks of your ability to perform and succeed.

      So many employers know that government workers are generally crappy workers... so hold onto your jobs. Private enterprise knows exactly how unproductive former goverment servants can be!

      Sorry. This is common knowledge out in the real world.

    26. 158 everyone that knows Chris Moreno and his wife know they have been together since high school. After seeing Chyanne at several events, it's upsetting to think her campaign would stoop so low.

    27. re-elect nobody!

    28. Sandy you stupid cunt. Why do you think this has anything to do with Chayanne's campaign and is not just an expression by the general public against this bull shit by Chris Moreno?

    29. Anon 1:58pm- I have met every female candidate in the Kansas City area running for State Representative, and have met Mr. Moreno, and I am pretty sure they have all (including him) been married for several years. Chyanne and supporters shouldn't be insulting good female candidates if she hopes to work with them in Jefferson City.

    30. Knows Radioman1/31/10, 10:20 PM


      As many people who believe that government employees are useless, also believe that reporters are generally drunks who cannot hold a real job.

      People like you with puffy faces.

    31. Beth,

      Use your real name - Chris or Theresa or Sharon.

      The point is that Chris was irresponsible. People know what causes pregnancy now. There are ways to prevent it. Chris was too stupid to do that.

      Chris was an irresponsible piece of shit. Either that or his current wife is a slut, which one is it "Beth?"

      By the way, if you name is Sharon,just what did Tiger Cardarella's dick taste like?

    32. I do not know this Cheyanne person running for whatever but something tells me her campaign should stay off the blogs.

    33. If all the anger being spewed here is what we can expect moving forward in the hopes of getting rid of Funk...than we ARE in trouble. We need to put our personal dislikes aside, find good candidates and do what's best for the city...not ourselves or or friends who may or may not have been offendd or slighted (which I don't think is a word, oh well).

    34. So a guy marries a girl and because they have a kid she's a slut and he's a moron? This girl should really advise her campaign to say off of the internet.

      Jan for Mayor!

    35. Hey isn't that little Richard guy from Raytown the one helping Chyanne? If he's the one posting this stuff, it sounds like those democrats need a new club leader that doesn't attack women or make racist comments.

    36. The Truth Comes Out2/1/10, 12:52 PM

      What kind of slimy wench would bed down with Moreno anyway?

      Beyond being morbidly obese Moreno is a crook and a bully toward all women, not just Chyanne.

    37. Another anti-woman message by Chyanne Cardarella's campaign manager. Word is key women in Jackson County are calling for her support to be pulled due to his comments.

    38. Why is it always like this when the name Cardarella is in play.

    39. I'm calling garbage on the anon trash. After hearing a lot about him, all good, I met Mr. Moreno at an event last week. He's every bit of a gentleman!

      We talked about politics, his background, his 2006 campaign and his family. I remember him mentioning that his oldest isn't even 2 yet. So unless 2010 minus 2006 equals less than 2 I'm pretty sure that the posts against him to no surprise don't add up.

      I live in Chyanne's district but I won't be voting for her now that I am seeing this.

      I encourage you to do the same as it seems her focus or that of her consultant is set more on playing gossip girl than doing the democratic party, state of missouri or the 52nd well.

      I am also active in many local organizations and activities, including the chamber, so will have no problems bringing others along.

      Chyanne thank your consultant. Or better yet fire him.

    40. ChyanneInThe52nd2/18/10, 11:02 PM

      Until today, I've donated time on a weekly basis for Chyanne. I've personally seen Chris be nothing but positive to Chyanne when it comes to her campaign.

      He is a really nice guy. I've personally heard Chyanne say a number of nice things about Moreno so while I know who is posting these messages, I'm not sure why.

      It's not positive for Chyanne and isn't positive for Democrats which really sheds light on what this guy's goals are. I'll be speaking to her tomorrow about replacing the guy responsible for these attack messages as she is better than these amateur pointless TKC attack posts. If she doesn't I'll stop volunteering and donating as will many others.

    41. Chris Moreno is the man! Wish he were representing my district.


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