I just learned something rather interesting in terms of the upcoming race in Kansas City's 3rd Council District.


For a first campaign finance report for Fletcher's 3rd District City Council race, this is huge . . . Especially considering that the 3rd District doesn't see many big money (in-District) political donations and most elections in the District top off at around that amount. The cash comes in the form of Michael Fletcher loaning the money to himself. He's still sticking to his pledge to refuse donations from parties outside the District who do business with City Hall i.e. lawyers, developers and other typical political donors.

I'd like to do a comparison between Fletcher's numbers and current 3rd District Council Lady Sharon Sanders Brooks. Unfortunately, Brooks hasn't filed her reports yet.

So, this election is off to a big start and so far Michael Fletcher has the lead in terms of money on hand. I'm wondering what the Council Lady will do to catch up. Sharon has a wonderful reputation for frightening her colleagues during tense negotiations but in this instance she must put those skills to work in order to scare up some cash.


  1. 3rd is the one to watch this time around.

  2. Imagine that, a black candidate who isn't taking money from lawyers and lobbyist. I can't wait to hear what Freedom Inc. and Sharon Sanders Brooks try to explain how they've been selling their community for decades. And I can't wait to see how the KC Star tries to attack Fletch for refusing money...this is going to be great.

  3. Watch how Brooks goes out and begs for money NOW.

  4. "My name is Sharon Sanders Brooks, the Kansas City Star and I want to warn you about Fletcher ... he is black and he scares white people ... and he won't take any money from white people ... he is bad . . . therefore give me money."

  5. So he missed the filing deadline by 4 days. WOW Another great one coming out of the 3rd.

  6. 3:56 sorry to disappoint you but the filing was for a contribution of over $5,000 ... not the January filing but I'm sure you will create some other reason.

  7. I guess he is doing better than JEREMY PLOEGER who is running for state rep in the 51st District and only files financial reports when he feels like it.

  8. I sense Sharon is getting desperate.

  9. Ms. Sweetie Pie1/19/10, 4:59 PM

    Neither Sharon Sanders Brooks nor Michael "Jew Boy! Jew Boy!" Fletcher are worth of a council seat.
    Both of these Funkhouser supporters lack honor, clarity and fidelity to the residents of 3rd district. They are pure misery for the rest of Kansas City.
    Michael Fletcher continues to exploit the insane squitiro by posing as her dearest friend. Brooks has cajoled her way into the putrid embrace of Funkhouser to get ahead in city politics.
    I say no to such creatures.

  10. Look folks TKC is turning into anti-Black loud speaker. I want to see some "investigative" reporting on the corruption in the White, Asian and other communities tony. Fairness doctrine anyone?

  11. To the fletcher haters: the guy is paying for his campaign without money from developers and lawyers--the Supreme Court NOW admits they made up a rule to suspend him--the Cordish Group admits that they are paying off the NAACP....The lies are really getting ready to start!

  12. Pretty good news. I think we need more candidates in the 3rd because what we've got isn't good enough.

  13. A rich California based (carpet bagger is the term Clinton Adams uses to discribe Fletcher) lawyer funds his own campaign to come into the 3rd district to save us poor Black people. But he leaves his white wife in California out of sight and out of mind. Well Fletcher money does not buy everything. I'm voting for Jermaine Reed. He will have the silent Gay community behind him.Plus Brooks does not really have to raise any money Fletcher is beating himself every time he posts something ridiculous about himself on this blog.

  14. Reed will split the vote.

  15. who is reed?

  16. There are about 5 other people that will run for that seat. Fletcher can take his 35 g and head back to Cally. You can't buy people.

  17. 7:00 if you are one of those "poor black people" maybe you could learn some thing from a guy who made millions of dollars without begging for money from the government or from white people. If more "poor black people" worked as hard as this guy did, there would be fewer "poor black people." My guess is that you like being a poor black guy because it gives you an excuse for everything, can't read, can't get married before you have five kids, can't do anything without white people.

  18. I see why black people are so poor and uneducated, instead of recognizing someone's success as an example they tear them down.

  19. Little Jermain Reed is too wet behind the ears. Let's get real here. Every one in the urban core is painfully aware of how pathetic the black politico scene is. It is time to clean house and not just in the black community. Jermaine Reed is a nice kid but I am afraid what little knowledge & experience he has was taught to him by A. Brooks and T. Riley - Neither mental giants. So not too hard for student to surpass the teacher. But what a low bar.

  20. I agree on with 10:08 on black politicians but what I don't like is that there probably won't even be a debate between all of the people running for office in the third district. That's how we got stuck with Sharon last time.

  21. there is no way SSB or Reed will debate Fletcher-he will kill them and they would never know it.

  22. Is Fletcher the only candidate not taking contributions from outside his district or from lobbist?

  23. "Sharon has a wonderful reputation for frightening her colleagues during tense negotiations but in this instance she must put those skills to work in order to scare up some cash." Now that was some funny, and true, stuff right there.

  24. SSB is a sad representative for our 3rd district. She ONLY supports issues for Blacks or Cauthen without a clue whether they are good or not! She can't see beyond the color of her skin. Ridiculous!


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