Mike Hendricks Defends Dork Who Was Deservedly Mocked By The KCPD

Some douche left his keys in the car when it was stolen and is whining that the local po-po laughed at him when he reported the vehicle missing. Eventually, the d-bag in question got his car back but the KC Star columnist is there to take the side of somebody with an even more impressive sense of entitlement than Mike "The Human Stain" Hendricks.


  1. dont leave your car running!

  2. Awwwwwww. Too bad. The poor guy had to feel all stupid for doing something stupid. And the Po-Po is acting like human beings again. That's horrible. Where's Robocop when you need him? I bet Robocop wouldn't laugh.

  3. Just blame the victim but it still doesn't justify cops who don't give a shit about doing their jobs. Most KCPD would look the other way if they saw a stolen car rather than to go to the trouble of actually arresting someone.

    Car theft is not a harmless crime. Many of those stolen are from low income people who may not be insured or able to afford a replacement. Insurance rates are high compared to the suburbs just because of joyriding.

    Just one more reason among many folks who can afford it have been abandoning KCMO for 50 years.

  4. Simple...if your gonna warm up your car...be in it.

  5. with the doors locked, so you have less chance of getting jacked.


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