Kansas City IPad Excitement

Seriously, I don't see the big deal with the IPad. For the most part it looks like nothing more than hype and part of the same cycle of techie fetishism and consumerism that hasn't done anything more than provide the cash to keep Steve Jobs alive.

To wit . . . Another KC Blog writes the definitive review of the pricey product for people who mistakenly think following every trend like a d-bag is necessary for productivity.


  1. -Seriously, I don't see the big deal with the IPad-


    The whole premise of this blog is the demise of the ink on paper news based delivery system.

    Reading a newspaper on a Kindle is virtually impossible, however could be far more palatable on an Ipad. The challenge for your nemeses would be how to pay for a newsroom without ad dollars as ereader versions don't have ads.

    Perhaps the reason you're lukewarm on the iPad is your mom won't give you the money for one.


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